- Acnode
An acnode is an isolated point not on a
curve , but whosecoordinates satisfy the equation of the curve. The term "isolated point " or "hermit point " is an equivalent term. [ [http://eom.springer.de/I/i052770.htm Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Springer Online Reference Works.] ] [ [http://eom.springer.de/A/a130100.htm Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Springer Online Reference Works] ]Acnodes commonly occur when studying
algebraic curve s over fields which are notalgebraically closed , defined as the zero set of a polynomial of two variables. For example the equation :f(x,y)=y^2+x^2+x^3=0;has an acnode at the origin of mathbb{R}^2, because it is equivalent to:y^2 = -(x^2 + x^3)and x^2 + x^3 is positive for x > -1, except when x = 0. Thus, over the "real" numbers the equation has no solutions for x > -1 except for (0, 0). In contrast, over the complex numbers the origin is not isolated since square roots of negative real numbers exist.An acnode is a singularity of the function, where both partial derivatives partial fover partial x and partial fover partial y vanish. Further the
Hessian matrix of second derivatives will be positive definite. Hence the function has a local minimum or local maximum.ee also
Singular point of a curve
*Tacnode References
*cite book |last=Porteous |first=Ian |title=Geometric Differentation |year=1994 |publisher=
Cambridge University Press |id=ISBN 0-521-39063-X
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