

Thapsacus (Hebrew: Tiphsah [תִּפְסַח] ), meaning ford or passage) was an ancient town along the western bank of the Euphrates river that would now lie in modern Syria or Turkey. Thapsacus was the Greek and Roman name for the town. The town was important and prosperous due to its river crossing, which allowed east-west land traffic to pass through it.


Its exact location is unknown but is said to be 100 miles north-east of Tadmor. This is most commonly associated with the modern town of Deir; however the only ford in the region is at Suriyeh where the town is now assumed to have been. Another possible location described by Conder in Easton's Bible Dictionary of 1897, however, identifies this place with Khurbet Tafsah, some 6 miles west of Shechem; this however is unlikely. There is further suggestion that the town may be associated with Carchemish [ [ Catholic Encyclopedia: Europus ] ] ; however this may be unlikely as the towns referenced as Europus and Amphipolis are separate and there is no other indication that the cities could be the same as Thapsacus. Another reference does suggest that the town was near "Jarablos", another name for Carchemish [ [ History of Iran: The Battle of Gaugamela ] ] .

The city's identification with Carchemish is supported by its similar role. In neo-Assyrian times the city of Carchemish was the main crossing point on the Euphrates. For many centuries it had been the capital city of the major neo-Hittite kingdom in north-western Syria. Trade between east and west past through it and because of this its system of weights and measures became a standard that was later adopted by the Assyrians and referred to as the Carchemish standard. This standard in trade with Syria (known as Ebir-nari, "across the river", in cuneiform texts) continued into neo-Babylonian and Persian times as illustrated by a letter from year 9 of Kuraš/Cyrus where this standard was then known as the measure of Tapsuḫu. [ [ Achemenet ] ] The continued importance of the city is the reason Eratosthenes choose Thapsakos as one of the reference points for his system of latitude and longitude.

Thapsakos' identification with Europos (the Hellenistic name of Carchemish) finds some support from a corrupt passage in Plinius' "Naturalis Historia". In his description of places along the Euphrates, from source to mouth, he gives the following account of the right bank of the Euphrates between Zeugma and Sura. [Pliny 5.21, see ] "And in Syria [it flows past the following] towns: Europus formerly Thapsacus, now Amphipolis, the Tent-Dwelling Arabs. Thus it continue to the place called Sura". The passage reads as if there should be a list of towns and we know from classical references that there were other towns along this strip. [Ptolemy 5.15 names 9 cities between Zeugma and Sura. For an older discussion see] In addition it is known that Amphipolis was different from Europus as Stephanos of Byzantine says it was called Tourmeda by the locals. One solution is to read the town list as "Europus formerly Thapsacus, ..., [Tourmeda] now Amphipolis, ..." (where the remaining towns have fallen out of the passage). [Getzel M. Cohen, "The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa", Berkeley 2006. Amphipolis has now been identified with Jebel Khalid south of Jerablus. See G.W. Clarke et al. (eds.), Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates. Report on Excavations 1986-1996, vol. 1, Sydney 2002. For its location see]

A second classical source which supports the identification of Thapsakos with Carchemish is the 401 B.C. marching itinerary of Cyrus the Younger as given by Xenophon, in his Anabasis. Farrell has shown that the march rates support a crossing at Carchemish, then across to the Balikh and then down hat river to its junction with the Euphrates. [ W. J. Farrell, "A Revised Itinerary of the Route Followed by Cyrus the Younger through Syria, 401 B. C." The Journalf Hellenic Studies 81 (1961) 153-155] It is the same road outlined in Isidoros of Kharax' "Parthian Stations", except that there the route started from Zeugma. [ [ Parthian Stations ] ]

The town has also been linked with Dibse/Al-Dibsi [ [,%2B38.167+(Dibse)&spn=1.024411,2.296143&t=k&iwloc=A&hl=en map] ] . Further it has been linked with the town of Balis in Halab district in Syria [ [ Reference] ] [ [,+38.1+(Balis,+Halab,+Syria)&spn=1.023978,2.296143&t=k&iwloc=A&hl=en Google Map] ] [ [ Map 2] ] .

References to Thapsacus

Classical References

*Thapsacus is mentioned in Xenophon's Anabasis as the a "large and prosperous city" where Cyrus the Younger's armies stayed five days and where Cyrus revealed to his generals that they would be marching on Babylon.
*Arrian's "Anabasis of Alexander" mentions that Darius Codomannus "made a forced march toward the city of Thapsacus and the river Euphrates" and later that Alexander arrived there to find two boat-bridges had been erected across the river.
* Strabo's Geographika states that there was a bridge over the Euphrates at Thapsacus, and postulates that the width of Mesopotamia may have been measured from this point to a bridge on the Tigris.
* Pliny the Elder's "Naturalis Historia" states that Thapsacus later became known as Amphipolis. In their 1855 translation of this text, John Bostock and H.T. Riley note that Amphipolis' "ruins are to be seen at the ford of El Hamman, near the modern Rakkah."

Biblical References

There are two references to Tiphsah in the Bible, both of which are the subject of debate over whether or not they refer to Thapsacus:
* In 1 Kings 4:24, Tiphsah is mentioned as one of the boundaries of Solomon's dominions. Easton's Bible Dictionary holds that this is probably a reference to Thapsacus, but the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica relates that "it is impossible to determine whether the one phrase 'from Tiphsah to Gaza', where the name seems to occur, is as early as the Persian Period: the Greek text is quite discrepant."
* Menahem, King of Israel, undertook an expedition and "smote Tiphsah and all that were therein" (2 Kings 15:16). Easton's states that this expedition implied a march of some 300-400 miles from Tirzah , apparently indicating their belief that this Tiphsah also refers to Thapsacus. They acknowledge, however, that some scholars identify this as a reference to Khurbet Tafsah, six miles west of Shechem. The 1911 Britannica states that this verse "cannot possible refer to any place on the Euphrates."

Babylonian References

* A town called "Tapsuhu" is mentioned in two Babylonian clay tablets dating in the reigns of Nabonidus and Cyrus the Great. It has been recently argued that it could be identified with Tapsacus. [Graslin and Lemaire (2004). [] ]

Modern References

* The 1911 Britannica notes that "after various attempts at identification, it has apparently been correctly identified by J. P. Peters (Nation, May 23, 1889) and B. Moritz (Sitz.-Ber. d. Berl. Akad., July 25, 1889). The name may survive in Kal'at Dibse, "a small ruin 8 m [iles] below Meskene, and 6 m [iles] below the ancient Barbalissus."



* [ LoveToKnow 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica article on Thapsacus]
* [ Biblie History Online]
* [ Entry on europus]
* [ Xenophon's "Anabasis"]
* [ Strabo's "Anabasis of Alexander"]
* [ Pliny the Elder's "Naturalis Historia"]
*L. Graslin and A. Lemaire, "Tapsuhu, «Thapsaque?", in "NABU" 2004-2 55 (

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