- Aquila of Sinope
Aquila of Sinope was a 2nd Century AD native of
Pontus inAnatolia known for producing an exceedingly literal translation of theHebrew Bible into Greek around 130 AD.cite book
title=A General Introduction to the Bible: From Ancient Tablets to Modern Translations
id=ISBN 0310453712] He was aproselyte toJudaism and a disciple ofRabbi Akiba (d. circa 135 AD). He is generally regarded as being he who was named Onkelos, the writer of Targum Onkelos.Epiphanius ("De Pond. et Mens." c. 15) preserves a tradition that he was a kinsman of the emperorHadrian , who employed him in rebuilding Jerusalem (Aelia Capitolina ), and that he was converted toChristianity , but, on being reproved for practisingpagan astrology , converted to Judaism. He seems to be referred to in Jewish writings as עקילס. Aquila's version is said to have been used in place of theSeptuagint in the synagogues. The Christians generally disliked it, alleging without due grounds that it rendered the Messianic passages, such as , incorrectly, butJerome andOrigen speak in its praise. Origen incorporated it in his "Hexapla ".It was thought that this was the only copy extant, but in
1897 fragments of two codices were brought to the Cambridge University Library. These have been published—the fragments containing1 Kings 20:7–17;2 Kings 23:12–27 byF. C. Burkitt in 1897, and those containing parts ofPsalms 90–103 by C. Taylor in1899 . See F. C. Burkitt's article in the [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=1674&letter=A&search=Aquila%20of%20Sinope "Jewish Encyclopaedia"] .ee also
Symmachus the Ebionite
*Theodotion References
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