- Fort Gaspareaux
. It is now a National Historic Site.
Effectively a fortified
warehouse manned by a small garrison, it was built in 1751 by the order of the Marquis de la Jonquière as away station between Fort Beauséjour andLouisbourg and Québec. It was originally a palisaded earthwork, measuring 180 feet (60 metres) square and surrounded by a ditch. At each corner was ablockhouse equipped with small borecannon .Communication with Fort Beauséjour across the
Isthmus of Chignecto was at first via an ancientportage route, but, in 1754, a road was built linking the two forts. Communication by sea was possible in the summer to Québec, Louisbourg andFrance .Immediately after the fall of Fort Beauséjour in 1755, the British sent 300 men, led by Colonel John Winslow, to take Fort Gaspareaux, then under the command of Captain Villeray. This was quickly accomplished, and the fort was renamed Fort Monckton and put under the charge of an English garrison. The British abandoned the fort the next year, unable to defend it from harassment by hostile
Mi'kmaq Indians. [http://www.tantramartourism.com/historic_attractions.html] .External links
* [http://ns1763.ca/sunco/fortgaspareaux.html Photos and information]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=port+elgin,+nb&ie=UTF8&ll=46.043235,-64.072067&spn=0.002599,0.006738&t=k&om=1 Google Map view]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.