Bei Hou

Bei Hou

Bei Hou () is a village just west of Taicheng in Taishan City in the Guangdong Province of southern China, and is located at latitude 22° 15' 09.22" N and longitude 112° 46' 01.12" E, 11 meters above sea level off the Cinnamon Stream Road (). Bei Hou was founded in the 1700s by Tan Gong Chang (), one of the many descendants of the princes of Tan Kuo.

All of its inhabitants are still of one patrilineage with the clan name of Tan (), and have family in Taicheng and Yangjiang. Expatriate family members have settled in Australia and the USA.

Rice, fish, bananas, pawpaw and pig feed are grown around the village.

On March 3, 1941, Japanese troops attacked the village as part of the assault on the neighboring Taicheng Township. Bullet holes are still visible in the fabric of the now-defunct village clan school, and through one of the neighboring palm trees.

Some years ago, a modern heritage hall was built, and reported in the local media when it was opened. It is now in a dilapidated state.

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