Marie Zimmermann

Marie Zimmermann

Marie Zimmermann (17 June 1879 - 17 June 1972) was an American designer and maker of jewelry and metalwork.

Life and Career

The daughter of prosperous Swiss immigrants, Marie Zimmermann was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She was educated at the Packer Collegiate Institute, Art Students’ League and Pratt Institute. She lived and ran her studio at the National Arts Club in New York from about 1910 to 1937.

Zimmmermann designed metalwork in a wide range of media (gold, silver, bronze, copper and iron) and jewelry, as well as some furniture. Much of her eclectic work was inspired by diverse historical precedents, including ancient Egyptian, Classical and Chinese forms. She experimented freely with materials, surface, color and applied ornament.

Museum Collections

Works by Marie Zimmermann are included in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, Carnegie Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Museum of Fine Arts-Boston and Wolfsonian-FIU.

Forthcoming Book

Marie Zimmermann's life and work are covered in the forthcoming 400-page monograph The Jewelry and Metalwork of Marie Zimmermann (Yale University Press), written by decorative arts scholars Deborah Dependahl Waters, Joseph Cunningham and Bruce Barnes.

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