Inn til vegge

Inn til vegge

Inn til vegge is a kind of shorthand slang for "inn til veggen", which literally means "up against the wall" or "line up against the wall". It is a Norwegian set of traditional music song games in Bergen, Norway, usually played by children.

The name refers to the lining up against the wall before every dance - the participants stand facing a wall. There are several variants of the dance to each song or melody. In the most common form, one or two participants are dancing, while the rest are facing the opposite direction.

The tradition has primarily been sustained by girls. The boys were attending while still young, but as they got older, they usually stopped participating. Nevertheless, they were usually never far away, as each girl in turn would usually reveal the name of the boy they were attracted to. In the lyrics, many lines and especially names were frequently changed.

Many of these traditional songs date as far back as the early 19th century, and most have survived lyrically intact, though some are totally rewritten.

For pictures on the official website, see

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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