

name = "Achimenes"

image_width = 225px
image_caption = "Achimenes erecta"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Gesneriaceae
genus = "Achimenes"
genus_authority = Pers.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Achimenes" is a genus of about 25 species of tropical and subtropical rhizomatous perennial herbs in the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. They have a multitude of common names such as Magic Flowers, Widow's Tears, Cupid's Bower, or Hot Water Plant. The plant's name comes from the Greek word meaning "suffer from cold."

The genus is native to North America (Mexico) and Central America, with one species ("A. erecta") occurring naturally in the West Indies. The largest number of species is found in Mexico. Several species and hybrids are widely cultivated and naturalized outside their native range. A complete list of the species, with their synonyms and geographic distributions, can be found in the Smithsonian Institution's World Checklist of Gesneriaceae.

Two species previously included in "Achimenes" are now classified in the segregation genus "Eucodonia" and several phylogenetic studies have supported this separation.

;Selected species

*"Achimenes cettoana" H.E. Moore
*"Achimenes dulcis" C.V. Morton
*"Achimenes erecta" (Lam.) H.P. Fuchs
*"Achimenes grandiflora" (Schiede) DC.
*"Achimenes heterophylla" (Mart.) DC.
*"Achimenes longiflora" DC.
*"Achimenes patens" Benth.


"Achimenes" species and hybrids are commonly grown as greenhouse plants, or outdoors as bedding plants in subtropical regions. The species have been extensively hybridized, with many of the hybrids involving the large-flowered species "A. grandiflora" and "A. longiflora". Many of the species and their hybrids have large, brightly colored flowers and are cultivated as ornamental greenhouse and bedding plants. They are generally easy to grow as long as their basic requirements are met: a rich well-drained soil, bright indirect light, warmth, constant moisture, and high humidity. They have a winter dormancy and overwinter as scaly rhizomes, which should be kept dry until they sprout again in the spring. Some of the species and their hybrids are moderately hardy and can be grown outdoors year-round in zone 8, or even zone 7 with protection.

External links

* [ Achimenes]
* [ "Achimenes", "Smithiantha", "Eucodonia" and related intergenerics] (from the [ Gesneriad Reference Web] )
* [ "Achimenes"] (from [ Genera of Gesneriaceae] )
* [ World Checklist of Gesneriaceae]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • achimenes — n. 1. 1 any plant of the genus {Achimenes} having gloxinialike flowers. Syn: hot water plant [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Achimĕnes — (A. P, Brown.), Pflanzengattung aus der nat. Fam. der Personatae Gesneraceae, 2. Ordn. der Didynamic L., durch die enge, schief angesetzte Blumenröhre, einen breiten flachen Saum u. eine zweilappige Narbe sich von Gloxinia unterscheidend; schöne …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Achimĕnes — Brown, Gattung der Gesneriazeen, Kräuter mit beschuppten unterirdischen Ausläufern, gegenständigen Blättern und einzelnen oder gebüschelten, meist roten bis violetten Blüten in den Blattachseln. Etwa 25 Arten im tropischen Amerika, von denen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Achimenes — Achimĕnes Browns, Pflanzengattg. aus der Familie der Gesnerazeen, mit prächtigen, meist scharlach oder purpurroten Blüten, aus Südamerika …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Achimenes — Schiefteller Achimenes erecta Kulturform. Systematik Unterklasse: Asternähnliche (Asteridae) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Achimenes —   Achimenes Achimenes erecta …   Wikipedia Español

  • achimenes — /euh kim euh neez /, n., pl. achimenes. any of several tropical American herbs of the genus Achimenes, cultivated for their showy, tubular flowers. [ < NL (1791), alter. of L achaemenis < Gk achaimenís] * * * …   Universalium

  • ACHIMENES — I. ACHIMENES Iobatis, vel Ariobatis regis Lyciae hlia, et uxor Bellerophontis, Achaemene legendum puto. II. ACHIMENES fil. Bacchimonis, filii Persei, qui Achimeniis populis nomen dedit, quibus imperavit, a quo Achimenia regio. Lege Achaemenes et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • achimenes — noun any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias • Syn: ↑hot water plant • Hypernyms: ↑flower • Member Holonyms: ↑genus Achimenes …   Useful english dictionary

  • achimenes — noun A Central American plant, of the genus Achimenes, having showy, trumpet shaped flowers …   Wiktionary

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