

Fiorelli is a defunct fashion brand created by Dunlop. The venture did not gain momentum until the large accessory company, Oroton, acquired the brand name. In 1988 Fiorelli Standard City Equipment was launched with a black and silver handbag collection aimed at the 15-25 year old market, establishing the Fiorelli brand name within a niche market. Due to the brands overwhelming success in Australia, Oroton, saw fit to expand into Europe, specifically targeting the UK.

Fiorelli was first launched in the UK in 1990, with the present owners of the brand, The Lunan Group, taking over in 1995. The team at the Lunan Group, headed up by brothers Stuart and David Lunan saw the potential to re-invent the brand by broadening its appeal in the UK market.

Along with handbags, Fiorelli made luggage, belts, small leather goods and sunglasses. The brand had four standalone stores in the UK and operated a thriving wholesale business to some of Great Britain’s largest department stores as well as independent retailers.

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  • Fiorelli, Giuseppe — ▪ Italian archaeologist born , June 8, 1823, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy] died Jan. 28, 1896, Naples       Italian archaeologist whose systematic excavation at Pompeii helped to preserve much of the ancient city as nearly intact as possible… …   Universalium

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  • Tiberio Fiorelli — (November 9 1608 ndash; December 7 1694), was an actor of commedia dell arte , creator of the character of Scaramouche, director of the troop of Comédiens Italien Theatre, which shared with the troop of his friend Molière the Theatre of the Petit …   Wikipedia

  • Giuseppe Fiorelli — (1823 1896) was an Italian archaeologist. Fiorelli was born in Naples, Italy. His excavations at Pompeii helped preserve the city.Fiorelli s initial work at Pompeii was completed in 1848. Then, when he became professor of archaeology at Naples… …   Wikipedia

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