1571 in literature

1571 in literature


*Michel de Montaigne retires from public life and isolates himself in the tower of the Château de Montaigne.

New books

*François de Belleforest - "La Pyrénée" (or "La Pastorale amoureuse") (the first French "pastoral novel")
*Bishop John Jewel - "Second Book of Homilies"
*Alonso de Molina
**"Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellana"
**"Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana"

New drama

*Richard Edwards - "Damon and Pythias"


*"See 1571 in poetry"


*April 17 - Adam Contzen, German Jesuit writer (d. 1635)
*"date unknown"
**Henry Ainsworth, English theologian (d. 1622)
**Willem Blaeu, Dutch publisher (d. 1638)
**Thomas Mun, English writer on economics (d. 1641)


*July 17 - Georg Fabricius, German poet and historian (b. 1516)
*November 24 - Jan Blahoslav, Czech poet and translator (b. 1523)
*December 28 - John Hales, English politician and writer(b. c. 1523)
*"date unknown"
**Lodovico Castelvetro, Italian literary critic (b. c. 1505)
**Andrés de Olmos, Spanish grammarian (b. c. 1485)

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