- Kabbabish
Kabbabish ("goatherds":
James Bruce derives the name from "hebsh",sheep ), a tribe ofAfrican nomad s ofSemitic origin. It is perhaps the largest "Arab" tribe in the Anglo-EgyptianSudan , and its many clans are scattered over the country extending SW from the province ofDongola to the confines ofDarfur . The Kabbabish speak Arabic, but their pronunciation differs much from that of the true Arabs. The Kabbabish have a tradition that they came fromTunisia and are ofMogrebin or western descent; but while the chiefs look like Arabs, the tribesmen resemble theBeja family. They themselves declare that one of their clans,Kawahla , is not of Kabbabish blood, but was affiliated to them long ago. Kawahla is a name of Arab formation, and J. L. Burckhardt spoke of the clan as a distinct one living aboutAbu Haraz and on theAtbara . The Kabbabish probably received Arab rulers, as did theAbabda . They are chiefly employed in cattle, camel and sheep breeding, and before the Sudan wars of 1883-1899 they had a monopoly of all transport from theNile , north ofAbu Gussi , toKordofan . They also cultivate the lowlands which border the Nile, where they have permanent villages. They are of fine physique, dark with black wiry hair, carefully arranged in tightly rolled curls which cling to the head, with regular features and rather thickaquiline noses . Some of the tribes wear large hats like those of theKabyles ofAlgeria and Tunisia.See James Bruce, "Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile" (1790); A. H. Keane, "Ethnology of Egyptian Sudan" (1884); "Anglo-Egyptian Sudan" (edited by Count Gleichen, 1905).
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