1626 in literature

1626 in literature

The year 1626 in literature involved some significant events.


*Izaak Walton marries Rachel Floud.
*John Beaumont is made a baronet.

New books

*Francis Bacon - "The New Atlantis"
*Robert Fludd - "Philosophia Sacra"
*Marie de Gournay - "Les Femmes et Grief des Dames" ("The Ladies' Grievance")
*Francisco de Quevedo - "El buscón"

New drama

*Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft - "Baeto, oft oorsprong der Holanderen"
*John Fletcher and collaborators - "The Fair Maid of the Inn"
*William Heminges - "The Jews' Tragedy"
*Jean Mairet - "La Sylvie"
*Thomas May - "Cleopatra"
*Thomas Middleton - "The Triumphs of Health and Prosperity"
*Tirso de Molina - "La Huerta de San Juan"
*James Shirley - "The Maid's Revenge;" "The Brothers"


*February 5 - Madame de Sévigné, letter-writer (died 1696)
*March 12 - John Aubrey, antiquarian writer (died 1697)
*"date unknown" - George Dalgarno, linguistics expert (died 1687)
*"date unknown" - Antoine Varillas, historian (died 1696)


*September 25
**Lancelot Andrewes, preacher and author (born 1555)
**Théophile de Viau, poet and dramatist (born 1590)
*October 19 - Béroalde de Verville, poet and novelist (born 1556)
*December 8 - Sir John Davies, poet (born 1569)
*"date unknown" - Nicholas Breton, poet and novelist (born c1545)
*"date unknown" - Samuel Purchas, travel writer (born c1575)
*"date unknown" - William Rowley, dramatist (born c1585)
*"date unknown" - Cyril Tourneur, dramatist (born 1575)

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