Stakeout (Transformers)

Stakeout (Transformers)

Stakeout is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Stakeout
japanname =Holi

caption =Stakeout box art
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Micromasters, Rescue Patrol
rank =
function =Rescue Patrol Commander
partner =Fixit, Red Hot, and Seawatch
motto ="Sometimes you must go outside the law to enforce it."
alternatemodes =Police Car
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =Kyoko Tongu
Stakeout is the young leader of the Rescue Patrol.

Animated series

Stakeout first appeared in episode #1 of the "" series, called "Star Saber, Hero of the Universe." Stakeout's vehicle mode was drawn as a mostly white police car, even though the toy representing him was identical to the American version. This was corrected in Transformers Zone. He is good friends with the human boy Jean Minakaze and has a girlfriend named Clipper on his home planet of Micro. []

Marvel Comics

"When Thunderwing abducts the Micromaster Battle Patrol to learn the secrets of making Micromasters for the Decepticons Emirate Xaaron sends Road Handler commanding the Race Car Patrol, the Rescue Patrol and the Off Road Patrol to destroy the Decepticon's lab. Unable to destroy his fellow Autobots Road Handler instead saves the Battle Patrol, but not before the Decepticon successfully create the Air Strike Patrol. (Transformers Marvel U.K. #232-233, "A Small War!")"

Stakeout first appeared in issue #60 of the U.S. Marvel Comics series, "Yesterdays Heroes!"

Stakeout last appeared in the U.S. Marvel comics in issue #61, "Primal Scream", but would appear again in the U.K. Marvel series.

"Cloudburst, Crosshairs, Getaway, Highbrow and Stakeout were among the Autobots who backed Optimus Prime when Grimlock challanged him for leadership of the Autobots in the issue #263 of the Marvel U.K. comics, "Break-Away!" []

Dreamwave Productions

Stakeout appeared in issue 3 of the "Micromasters" limited series.

He also appeared in a full page biography in their "More Than Meets The Eye" series.


*Generaton 1 Stakeout (1989):A Micromaster sold with the rest of the Rescue Patrol. []


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