

Beni may refer to:

*Beni Department, Beni River and the Beni savanna, Bolivia
*Beni Suef and Beni Hasan, Egypt
*Beni Mellal and Beni Amir, Morocco
*Beni, Democratic Republic of the Congo
*Beni, Nepal

*Beni, the debut album of J-Pop singer Beni Arashiro
*Beni (music), a Tanzanian/Tanganyikan musical style (Music of Tanzania)


*the Beni Hassan, a historical Bedouin tribe
*Beni Arashiro, J-Pop singer
*Claudia Beni, Croatian singer
*Gerardo Beni, physicist/electrical engineer
*Federico de Beni, Italian road bicycle racerr
*Beni Kousetsu, Bleach OC currently residing in Spectral Realms

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