- 1758 in literature
"See also:"
1757 in literature , other events of 1758,1759 in literature ,list of years in literature .Events
Voltaire buys estate atFerney .
* "Annual Register" founded byEdmund Burke andRobert Dodsley .
*Jean-François Marmontel enters the service ofMadame de Pompadour .
*Samuel Johnson begins his essay series, "The Idler".
*Anna Laetitia Barbauld and her family move to Warrington in Cheshire.
*Pierre Louis Maupertuis moves to his final home at Basel, Switzerland.
*Samuel Johnson launches a new periodical, "The Idler".New books
John Armstrong as "Launcelot Temple" - "Sketches"
*Charlotte Lennox - "Henrietta"
*Horace Walpole
**"A Dialogue Between Two Great Ladies"
**"Fugitive Pieces"New drama
John Cleland - "Tombo-Chiqui, or, The American Savage" (not produced)
*Denis Diderot - "Le père de famille "
*Robert Dodsley - "Cleone"
*David Garrick - "Florizel and Perdita"
*John Home - "Aegis"
*Charlotte Lennox - "Philander"
*Arthur Murphy - "The Upholsterer"
*George Alexander Stevens - "Albion Restored"Poetry
Mark Akenside - "An Ode to the Country Gentlemen"
*John Gilbert Cooper - "The Call of Aristippus"
*Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim - "Preussische Kriegslieder von einem Grenadier"
*James Macpherson - "The Highlander"
*Thomas Parnell - "Posthumous Works"Non-fiction
William Blackstone - "A Discourse on the Study of Law"
* John Brown - "An Explanatory Defence of the Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times" (see 1757)
*Elizabeth Carter ed. - "All the Works of Epicetus"
*Benjamin Franklin - "Father Abraham's Sermon"
*Oliver Goldsmith as "James Willington" - "The Memoirs of a Protestant"
*William Hawkins - "Tracts in Divinity"
*Claude Adrien Helvétius - "De l'Esprit"
*Henry Home - "Historical Law-Tracts"
*Robert Lowth - "The Life of William of Wykeham"
*Antoine Simon Le Page Du Pratz - "Histoire de la Louisiane" (History of Louisiana)
*Richard Price - "A Review of the Principal Questions and Difficulties in Morals"
*Jonathan Swift - "The History of the Last Four Years of the Queen"
*Horace Walpole - "A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England"
*Arthur Young - "The Theatre of the Present War in North America"Births
October 16 -Noah Webster (died1843 )
*December 9 -Richard Colt Hoare (died1838 )Deaths
January 7 - Allan Ramsay, poet (born 1686)
*March 22 - Jonathan Edwards, theologian (born 1703)
*December 25 -James Hervey , religious writer (born 1714)
*"date unknown" -Theophilus Cibber , dramatist and actor, son ofColley Cibber (born 1703)
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