

Sjón is the pen name of Sigurjón Birgir Sigurðsson (born August 27, 1962). His pen name is formed from his given name (Sigurjón), and means 'Sight'.

Sjón is an Icelandic author and a poet. He was awarded the The Nordic Council's Literature Prize in 2005 for the novel "Skugga-Baldur" ('The Blue Fox'), but is perhaps best known in the English speaking world for writing some of Björk's lyrics. Lyrics Sjón has written for Björk are for the songs "Isobel", its sequel "Bachelorette", "Oceania", written especially for the 2004 Summer Olympics and "Wanderlust". In 2001 he was nominated for an Academy Award (Oscars), alongside his co-writers Lars von Trier and Björk, for the song "I've Seen it All" from the film "Dancer in the Dark".

He has also appeared as guest vocalist on a rare Sugarcubes 12" single "Luftgitar" (air guitar) in 1987 using the name Johnny Triumph; this was accompanied by a music video of Sjón playing an invisible guitar with Björk and Einar Örn Benediktsson. Sjón would occasionally reprise this role for the final encore of Sugarcubes concerts, including the band's one-off 2006 reunion show in Reykjavík.

As a poet Sjón published his first volume of poetry, "Sýnir" ('Visions') in 1978 and has since published numerous books of poetry, prose and even children's novels. His novels have been translated to Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German and French, among twelve other languages, with the English edition of "The Blue Fox" (Skugga-Baldur) scheduled for publishing in March 2008 by Telegram Books.

Sjón is married and has two children. He currently resides in Reykjavík.


* "Visions" ("Sýnir", Poems, 1978)
* "Madonna" ("Madonna", Poems, 1979)
* "Birgitta" ("Birgitta", Poems, 1979)
* "How Does One Make Love to Hands?" ("Hvernig elskar maður hendur?", Poems, 1981)
* "The Blind Man's Bicycle" ("Reiðhjól blinda mannsins", Poems, 1982)
* "The Book of Illusions" ("Sjónhverfingabókin", Poems, 1983)
* "Oh, Isn't it Wild?" ("Oh, Isn't it Wild?", Poems, 1985)
* "Toy Castles ..." ("Leikfangakastalar", Poems, 1986)
* "The Boy with the X-Ray Eyes", poems from 1978-1986 ("Drengurinn með röntgenaugun", Poems, 1986)
* "Night of Steel" ("Stálnótt", Novel, 1987)
* "Angel, Stovehat and Strawberries" ("Engill, pípuhattur og jarðarber", Novel, 1989)
* "there is something I can't remember about the clouds" ("Ég man ekki eitthvað um skýin", Poems, 1991)
* "Made in Secret (a.k.a. Your Eyes Saw Me)" ("Augu þín sáu mig", Novel, 1994)
* "obscure figures" ("myrkar fígúrur", Poems, 1998)
* "With a Quivering Tear" ("Með titrandi tár", Novel, 2001)
* "The Blue Fox" ("Skugga-Baldur", Novel, 2003)
* "The Whispering Muse (a.k.a. The Splinter from Argo)" ("Argóarflísin", Novel, 2005)
* "the song of the stone collector" ("söngur steinasafnarans", Poems, 2007)
* "Collected Poems 1978-2008" ("Ljóðasafn", Poems, 2008)

Works in translation


"Argóarflísin" (The Whispering Muse)

* Finnish: Argon lastu - Like 2008
* Swedish: Fisk och kultur - Alfabeta 2007
* Norwegian: Flisen fra Argo - Tiden 2007
* Danish: Splinten fra Argo – Athene 2006

Forthcoming in Faroese and Dutch.

"Skugga-Baldur" (The Blue Fox)

* English: The Blue Fox - Telegram Books 2008
* Spanish: El zorro ártico - Nórdica Libros 2008
* Czech: Syn stínu - Argo 2008
* French: Le Moindre Des Mondes - Rivage 2007
* German: Schattenfuchs - S. Fischer 2007
* Italian: La volpe azzurra. Una leggenda islandese. - Mondadori 2006
* Dutch: Blauwvos - Uitgeverij De Geus 2006
* Faroese: Skugga-Baldur - Nýlendi 2006
* Danish: Skygge-Baldur - Athene 2005
* Finnish: Skugga-Baldur - Like 2005
* Norwegian: Skugga-Baldur - Tiden 2005
* Swedish: Skugga-Baldur - Alfabeta 2005
* Serbian: Pticje mleko - Geopoetika 2005Forthcoming in Galician, Turkish, Lithuanian.

"Með titrandi tár" (With A Quivering Tear)

* French: Sur la paupière de mon père - Rivages 2008
* Swedish: Med skälvande tårar - Alfabeta 2004

"Augu þín sáu mig" (Made in Secret)

* Danish: Dine øjne så mig - Vindrose 2002
* Finnish: Sinun silmäsi näkivät minut (rakkaustarina) - Like 2004
* Lithuanian: Tavo akys matė mane - Apostrofa 2005
* Norwegian: Dine øyne så meg: en kjærlighetshistorie – Tiden 2001
* Spanish: Tus ojos me vieron: Historia de amor - Ediciones Siruela 2005
* Swedish: Dina ögon såg mig: en kärlekssaga - Anamma 1997
* Romanian: Ochii tăi m-au văzut - Niculescu 2008


* English: Night of the Lemon - Greyhound Press 1993
* French: figures obscures - Cahiers de Nuit 2000
* German: Gesang des Steinesammlers - Kleinheinrich 2007
* Macedonian: Anatomija na gladniot - SPV 2007


Literary Prizes

* The Icelandic Bookseller's Prize for the Novel of the Year, 2005, for "Argóarflísin".
* The Nordic Council's Literature Prize, 2005, for "Skugga-Baldur".
* The DV Newspaper Culture Prize / Literature, 2002, for "Með titrandi tár".
* The Icelandic Broadcasting Service Writers Fund, 1998, for contribution to Icelandic literature.
* The DV Newspaper Culture Prize / Literature, 1995, for "Augu þín sáu mig".

Other Prizes

* "Skuggaleikur" (Shadow Play), an opera by Karólína Eiríksdóttir with libretto by Sjón, based on the short story Skyggen (the Shadow) by H. C. Andersen, is nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize, 2008
* Nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Original Song for the song "I've Seen It All" from the film Dancer in the Dark, 2000
* Nominated for a Golden Globe Award for the song "I've Seen It All" from the film "Dancer in the Dark", 2001

External links

* [ Sjón's biography at the Reykjavík City Library web]
* [ Sjón's biography at the Nordic Council's webpage]
* [ A.S. Byatt reviews the Blue Fox/Skugga-Baldur in the Times]
* [ A page about Skugga-Baldur/Schattenfuchs on the German Wikipedia.]
* [ Review of Argóarflísin (in danish)]
* [ Bjartur, Sjón's Icelandic publisher]

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