

The Kordun region is a part of central Croatia from the bottom of the Petrova Gora (Peter's mountain) mountain range, which extends along the river Korana and forms part of the border region to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The southern border of Kordun touches the Lika region. Kordun with its centre Slunj wholly belongs to Karlovac county. In former times, this region belonged to the Habsburg Military Frontier towards the Ottoman Empire.

The area has rich wood resources. During the Croatian War of Independence in the 1990s, the region suffered massive war damage and much of the population fled or was driven out. The region, along with other parts of Croatia was occupied by the Croatian Serb army from 1991 until the Croatian army recaptured it in 1995. Today, the economic situation is slowly improving, but there is still a large tendency of emigration from the region to larger cities.

A typical phenomenon of this region is the porous composition of the karst soil (consisting of limestone), which creates numerous crater-like dolines (sinkholes, Croatian "dolina"). There also exist many underground river systems, of which many have not yet been discovered or which still need thorough examination. Also, the typical soil of the Kordun region is red earth (Terra rossa).

External links

* [http://www.adriatica.net/destinations/hrvatska/region/lika-i-kordun_hr.htm Information about Kordun]

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