Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

Infobox Muscle
Latin = musculus extensor digitorum brevis
GraySubject = 131
GrayPage = 490

Caption = The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle. Lateral aspect. (Extensor dig. brevis labeled at upper right.)

Caption2 =
Origin = calcaneus
Insertion = toes
Blood =
Nerve = deep peroneal nerve
Action = extends digits 2 through 4
Antagonist = Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor digitorum brevis
DorlandsPre = m_22
DorlandsSuf = 12548900
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is a muscle on the upper surface of the foot that helps extend digits 2 through 4.


The extensor digitorum brevis is found on the back of the foot. It arises with the extensor hallucis brevis muscle from the calcaneus bone; many consider these two muscles are a single common muscle.

The extensor digitorum brevis divides into three tendons, which insert on the second, third, and fourth middle phalanges.


The extensor digitorum brevis is innervated by the deep fibular nerve (deep peroneal nerve).


The extensor digitorum brevis help to extend the toes to which it attaches.

ee also

* Extensor digitorum longus muscle
* Extensor hallucis brevis
* Extensor digitorum muscle


External links

* - "The Foot: Muscles"
* [http://www.ptcentral.com/muscles/musclelegs.html#extensor%20digitorum%20brevis PTCentral]

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