Rotatores muscles

Rotatores muscles

Muscle infobox
Name = Rotatores muscle
Latin = musculi rotatores
GraySubject = 115
GrayPage = 400

Caption =
Origin = transverse process
Insertion = spinous process
Action =
Blood =
Nerve = posterior branch
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = m_22
DorlandsSuf = 12550562
The Rotatores (Rotatores spinae) lie beneath the Multifidus and are found only in the thoracic region; they are eleven in number on either side.

Each muscle is small and somewhat quadrilateral in form; it arises from the upper and back part of the transverse process, and is inserted into the lower border and lateral surface of the lamina of the vertebra above, the fibers extending as far as the root of the spinous process.

The first is found between the first and second thoracic vertebræ; the last, between the eleventh and twelfth. Sometimes the number of these muscles is diminished by the absence of one or more from the upper or lower end. The Rotatores muscles have a high density of proprioceptors and have been implicated postural control.cite book |author=McGill, Stuart |title=Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance |publisher=Wabuno |location=Ontario, Canada |year=2004 |pages=325 |isbn=978-0973501803 |oclc= |doi=]


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