- Buster Gonad
Buster Gonad is the name of a
cartoon character in the Britishcomic "Viz". It involves thesurreal adventures of "the boy with unfeasibly largetesticles ". During a storm, Buster's gonads were zapped bycosmic ray s which enlarged them to an enormous size. Buster'sgonads are so large, in fact, that he needs awheelbarrow to carry them around [http://nuosh.com/images/buster_gonad.jpg] . As a result, they are impossible to conceal and are therefore out on open display for everyone to see and marvel at.The plot-lines vary, but are always bizarre, revolving around Buster's outstanding physical attributes being a blessing or a curse. For example, in one episode Buster climbs a tree whereupon some children standing below mistake his hairy
scrotum for gianthorse chestnuts , deciding to pelt it with sticks and stones in order to knock it down so they can playconkers . Moments later, a passing farmer attempts to help the children by blasting the "horse chestnuts" with his double-barrelledshotgun . Finally, anendangered species of bird decides to build a nest on Buster's scrotum and lays eggs in it. It is illegal to disturb the rare bird's nest, so poor Buster is forced to stay up the tree for the next few weeks until the eggs hatch and the fledglings have left the nest.In one comic, Buster met Chuee Cesar Paz and they compared testicle size. The end result was that the world was crushed under the size of Chuee's testicles.
In December 1987 Viz released a 7-inch single entitled "Bags of fun with Buster" by Johnny Japes and His Jesticles (in reality
Andy Partridge andDave Gregory ofXTC , journalist, record producer and sometime vocalist Neville Farmer, withJohn Otway on vocals released on Fulchester Records. [http://chalkhills.org/reelbyreal/s_Bags.html] . Buster also featured in the 1991 Viz computer game. [http://s64.emuunlim.com/manuals/viz.htm]During the
Gulf War of 1991, aSepecat Jaguar GR1A (number XZ118 Y) bomber of theRoyal Air Force featured Buster Gonadnose art . [http://sepecat.info/images/03-desertstorm1/]Vintage framed copies of Buster Gonad cartoon from the 1980s are now collectable items. [http://tonyvalderama.com/acatalog/Vintage_Framed_Viz_Comic_Strips.html]
References in other media
Daily Telegraph calls him one of Viz's "classic inventions". [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2003/11/04/bvdust04.xml&sSheet=/arts/2003/11/04/ixartright.html] TheBBC says he's a "star" and a "household name" [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/uk/478097.stm] . Forthe Independent he's the protagonist of a "classic toilet-humour cartoon strip". [http://news.google.com/archivesearch/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=0-0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.highbeam.com%2Fdoc%2F1G1-75053510.html%3Frefid%3Dgg_x_02&ei=WNKMR5aCCY6I7AH_1_y1DA&usg=AFQjCNEqkPvRqjCsZom_trWpWAJfGO7gXw] TheFinancial Times calls him a "people's favourite". [http://news.google.com/archivesearch/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1-0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.accessmylibrary.com%2Fpremium%2F0286%2F0286-13720210.html&ei=WNKMR5aCCY6I7AH_1_y1DA&usg=AFQjCNGzHEFRI960RgBh9cFtgKioPZHGIg] ToThe Observer he's an "indispensable read" [http://news.google.com/archivesearch/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=15-0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fobserver.guardian.co.uk%2Freview%2Fstory%2F0%2C6903%2C1509084%2C00.html&ei=WNKMR5aCCY6I7AH_1_y1DA&usg=AFQjCNGbSgg7tpIjlNVtLM_ON14gETTYXw] . Buster even gets name checks in theBritish Medical Journal [http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/cgi/content/extract/8/3/348] andEminem 's biography [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=p3RmIcJSsfYC&dq=%22Buster+Gonad%22&num=100&ie=ISO-8859-1] .External links
* [http://www.viz.co.uk/ Buster Gonad at viz.co.uk (see 'Archive')]
* [http://members.lycos.co.uk/scaryduck/blog2/bustergonad.gifImage #1 of Buster Gonad]
* [http://chalkhills.org/cgi-bin/img?images/non/BagsOfFun.jpgImage #2 of Buster Gonad]
* [http://sepecat.info/images/03-desertstorm1/index.php?]
nose art from the 1991Gulf War
* [http://chalkhills.org/reelbyreal/s_Bags.html 'Bags Of Fun With Buster' Record (complete with image and lyrics)]
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