Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development

Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development

Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development ( _pt. União dos Democratas para Cidadania e Desenvolvimento) is a political party in São Tomé and Príncipe, formed in January 2005. The party was formed amongst dissidents from the Independent Democratic Action (ADI). [http://www.panapress.com/freenewspor.asp?code=por017460&dte=29/01/2005]

The UDD failed to win any seats in the National Assembly following elections held on 26 March 2006.

The party supported Patrice Trovoada in the 30 July 2006 presidential election. He won 38.82% of the vote, finishing a distant second to the incumbent Fradique de Menezes, who received 60.58% of the vote.

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