In the film industry, 3D LUTs (lookup tables) are used to calculate preview colors for a monitor or digital projector of how an image will be reproduced on the final film print. A 3D LUT is defined as a 3D lattice where each axis is an entry point for one of the three color components. Output values from the 3DLUT are calculated by interpolating between the 8 nearest points in the lattice.

Cubes may be of various sizes and bit depths. Often 17x17x17 cubes are used as 3D LUTs. The most common practice is to use RGB 10bit/component log images as the input to the 3D LUT. An interpolation engine is needed for calculating the output values from an input triple by looking for the eight nearest points defined within the 3D LUT lattice. Various products use trilinear interpolation for calculating these output values.Fact|date=May 2008

See also

* Color grading
* Color calibration
* Color management


External links

Some systems supporting 3D LUTs

* [http://www.gammadensity.com Gamma and Density's] 3cP on-set color correction system
* [http://www.iridas.com IRIDAS] - makers of SpeedGrade and FrameCycler
* [http://www.assimilateinc.com Assimilate] makers of scratch
*Discreet advanced systems: flint, flame, inferno, smoke, fire "(see also Autodesk Media and Entertainment)"
*Quantel Colour grading and digital Intermediate hardware and software [http://www.quantel.com]
*Discreet Lustre color grading system "(see also Autodesk Media and Entertainment)"
*Apple Shake: compositing software is supporting 3D LUTs via a cineSpace, Kodak, or Truelight plugin
*Thomson - Grass Valley's [http://www.thomsongrassvalley.com/products_post/ LUTher] : 3D LUT processor
*Filmlight's Truelight: 3D LUT processor
* [http://pogle.pandora-int.com Pandora's] Revolution and Pixi support 3D LUTs from Kodak, ARRI
*DVS Clipster supports 3D LUTs from Kodak, ARRI and cineSpace (Rising Sun Research)
*cineSpace: 3D LUT generation software for film color management "(see also Rising Sun Research)"
* [http://www.digitalpraxis.net Digital Praxis] ViewLUT Builder for 2D and 3D LUT generation.
* [http://www.cinetal.com/ Cine-tal] Cine-tal's Cinemage monitor and eLuma 1D and 3D LUT processor.
* [http://www.eyeonline.com/ Eyeon Fusion 5.2] Eyeon Fusion 5.2
* [http://www.digitalvision.com/ Digital Vision] Film Master, Data Conform and all of Digital Vision's software products support 3D LUT's for monitoring or color transform rendering.
* [http://www.ifx.com/ Interactive Effects] Piranha Cinema visual effects system and Piranha Player software products support Kodak, cinespace or custom 3D LUT's.
* [http://www.tcube.tv Tcube] - makers of FIG, 3D LUT real time processors with 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 interfaces
* [http://www.chrome-imaging.com CHROME Imaging] - MATRIX Color Correction and Dustbusting Solutions
* [http://www.avid.com/ds Avid DS] - FX-online, Compositing & Graphics, and Hi-Res Conform

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