Theban Triad — In Egyptian myth this triad consisted of Amon Ra, Mut, and Khensu … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Karnak — The Karnak temple complex, universally known only as Karnak, describes a vast conglomeration of ruined temples, chapels, pylons and other buildings. It is located near Luxor in Egypt. This was ancient Egyptian Ipet isut ( The Most Selected of… … Wikipedia
Memphis, Egypt — Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur * UNESCO World Heritage Site Hieroglyphs in Memphis with a statue of Ramses II in the back … Wikipedia
Amon — /ah meuhn/, n. Egyptian Myth. Amen. * * * or Amen Egyptian deity revered as king of the gods. Amon may have originated as a local deity at Khmun in Middle Egypt. His cult spread to Thebes, where he became patron of the pharaohs by Mentuhotep I s… … Universalium
Triple deity — A triple deity (sometimes referred to as threefold, tripled, triplicate, tripartite, triune or triadic) is a deity associated with the number three. Such deities are common throughout world mythology; the number three has a long history of… … Wikipedia
mut — mut1 /mut/, n. mutt. mut2 /mut/, n. Print. mutton2. [by shortening] * * * In Egyptian religion, a sky goddess and divine mother. Mut may have originated either in the Nile River delta or in Middle Egypt. During the 18th dynasty (1539–1292 BC),… … Universalium
Thebes, Egypt — For the Greek city of Boeotia, see Thebes, Greece. For other cities called Thebes, see Thebes. Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis * UNESCO World Heritage Site Country Egypt Type Cultural … Wikipedia
Amun — Chief god of the New Kingdom and later. Originally a minor god at Thebes, he rose to prominence in Dynasty 12, which came from the south, and was promoted to the head of the pantheon under the Theban Dynasty 18 through a fusion with the sun… … Ancient Egypt
Фиванская триада — Амон, Мут и Хонсу. Храм Рамсеса III в Мединет Абу. Фиванская триада три самых почитаемых бога древнеегипетского г … Википедия
Seti II — Pharaoh Infobox | Name=Seti II | Caption=Statue of Seti II at the Turin Museum NomenHiero=p:t V28 U6 C7 i i n Nomen= Seti Merenptah PrenomenHiero=ra wsr xpr:Z2 ra:stp:n Prenomen= Userkheperure Setepenre [Peter Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs,… … Wikipedia