- Gary DeMar
Gary DeMar is an American writer, lecturer and the president of
American Vision , an AmericanChristian nonprofit organization. The think-tank has a vision of "an America that recognizes the sovereignty ofGod over all of life and whereChristians are engaged in every facet ofsociety ." [http://www.americanvision.org/aboutus.asp from American Vision's About Us page.] American Vision web site URL accessed 05/10/2006]Family life and education
DeMar resides in
Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Carol. They have two grown sons. DeMar is a member of Midway Presbyterian Church, affiliated with thePresbyterian Church in America . DeMar graduated fromWestern Michigan University in 1973 and earned a M.Div. fromReformed Theological Seminary in 1979. [http://www.americanvision.org/garydemarbio.asp from Gary DeMar President of American Vision page.] American Vision web site URL accessed 05/10/2006]Career
DeMar began working at American Vision in 1981 as a research
analyst . In 1986 he became the president of the organization. DeMar is the author of 23 books. Beginning on June 3, 2006, DeMar began hosting "The Gary DeMar Show," a radio program airing live from Atlanta, every Saturday at noon ET. [http://www.americanvision.org/radio/garydemarshow.asp]"Ruler of the Nations"
In the Foreword to DeMar's book "Ruler of the Nations",
John W. Whitehead notes that the book "presents a clear and well-substantiated description of the three types of government established by God-thefamily , thechurch , and the civil government-each given its own specific and "limited" jurisdiction." cite book | first=Gary | last=DeMar | title=Ruler of the Nations| publisher=Dominion Press | location=Ft. Worth, Texas | year=1987 | editor=Gary North | id=0-930462-19-x| pages=xix | chapter=Foreword ] In the Editor's Introduction,Gary North points out DeMar's description of "an intellectual war going on, a war between two rival views of God, man, law and society." North says that the "book has made the meaning oftheocracy clear." cite book | first=Gary | last=DeMar | title=Ruler of the Nations| publisher=Dominion Press | location=Ft. Worth, Texas | year=1987 | editor=Gary North | id=0-930462-19-x| pages=x, xv | chapter=Introduction ]In the chapter titled Reconstructing Civil Government, DeMar states,
All government requites a reference point. If God is to be pleased by men, the
Bible must become the foundation of all their governments, including civil government. This means that "Biblical law must be made the foundation of all righteous judgment in every government": personal (self government), ecclesiastical, familial, and civil.cite book | first=Gary | last=DeMar | title=Ruler of the Nations| publisher=Dominion Press | location=Ft. Worth, Texas | year=1987 | editor=Gary North | id=0-930462-19-x| pages=207 | chapter=Reconstrucing Civil Government ]Religious and political view
DeMar states in an article on the American Vision web site, "Darwinism has secularized everything in America, including our understanding of the Constitution." cite news | first=Gary|last=DeMar | title=The Constitution is No More|date=11/03/2005 | publisher=American Vision | url=http://www.americanvision.org/articlearchive/11-03-05.asp | accessdate=05/12/2006 ]
American Vision promotes the idea "that the world is not ending tomorrow and that Christ’s Kingdom will be victorious on the earth." AV connects the writing's of the founders of America with the organization's vision of contemporary America, "In the New England Confederation of 1643, the Pilgrims stated: “ [W] e all came to these parts of America, with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” [http://www.americanvision.org/howtorestore.asp from American Vision's How You Can Restore America page.] American Vision web site URL accessed 05/10/2006]
DeMar is a proponent of
Partial Preterism .Bibliography
DeMar is the general editor and co-author of "A New World in View" (1996) and "Reformation to Colonization" (1997), the first two volumes in the "To Pledge Allegiance" history textbook series, and author of the books: [http://www.americanvision.org/garydemarbio.asp from Gary DeMar President of American Vision page.] American Vision web site URL accessed 05/10/2006 ] :
*"God and Government" series (1982-86)
*"Ruler of the Nations" (1987, 2002)
*"The Reduction of Christianity" (1988)
*"Surviving College Successfully" (1988)
*"Something Greater Is Here" (1988)
*"You’ve Heard It Said" (1991)
*"America’s Christian History: The Untold Story" (1993)
*"War of the Worldviews" (1994)
*"Last Days Madness" (4th ed., 1999)
*"Is Jesus Coming Soon?" (1999)
*"Thinking Straight in a Crooked World" (2001)
*"End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology" (2001)
*"The Changing Face of Islam in History and Prophecy" (2002)
*"America’s Heritage" (2002)
*"Myths, Lies, & Half Truths" (2004)
*"The Early Church and the End of the World" (2005)
*"Why the End of the World Is Not in Your Future" (2008)References
External links
* [http://www.americanvision.org/ American Vision]
* [http://undergod.procon.org/viewsource.asp?ID=271 Gary DeMar's ProCon Biography]
* [http://www.preteristpodcast.com/index.php/2008/05/12/theres-something-about-gary-part-one-ep-8b/ Gary DeMar validates heresy]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.