Ryn Desert

Ryn Desert

The Ryn Desert or Ryn-Peski Desert ( _ru. Рын-пескй), is a desert in western Kazakhstan and southeastern Russian republic of Kalmykia, north of the Caspian Sea and southeast of the Volga Upland. The borders of the desert are very loosely defined. Some maps show the desert almost entirely within the Caspian Depression, stretching almost to the coast of the Caspian Sea, while others show it north of the depression. It lies west of the Ural River between 46° and 49° North latitude, and 47° to 52° East longitude.

Many small towns are scattered throughout the Ryn Desert, and population density is between 1 and 15 people per square mile. The Ryn lies in a semi-arid climate zone, and receives very little rainfall.

High winds sweep across the desert, and in 2001 a dust storm in the Baltic Sea was determined as originating in the Ryn Desert. A study of long-range dust transportation to the Baltic Sea region—by analyzing dust pollution in Scandinavia, showed that aerosol conentrations there were influenced more by the Ryn Desert region than the Sahara Desert in Africa.


*International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2004 - Vol. 22, No.1/2 pp. 72 - 86
*World Atlas, Millennium Edition, pgs. xxv, xxix, 258 ISBN

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