Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt (1926 – ) is a Christian apologist, speaker, radio commentator and author. He has been in full-time ministry since 1973. The Berean Call ministry, which highlights Dave's materials, was started in 1990. Hunt has traveled to the Near East, lived in Egypt, and written numerous books on theology, prophecy, cults, and other religions, including critiques of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, and Calvinism, among others. His books have sold over 4 million copies and have been translated into at least 20 languages.

Theologically, Hunt is evangelical, dispensational, and associated with the Plymouth Brethren Movement. Although he is not a Calvinist, he does hold to eternal security.

Early life

Hunt was born in 1926 and raised in a Christian family. He is an alumnus of UCLA and is married with four children. He worked as a CPA before his entry into full-time ministry. [http://www.thebereancall.org/AboutTBC/dave.php]


Hunt is a strict Biblical Creationist - refutations of evolution are a frequent topic of his radio programme. He has stated his view that evolution is a form of occult religion related to reincarnation. He has stated that "I think that you would have to be, in my opinion, an idiot to think that this universe happened by chance." [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1760096128712631511]

Hunt believes occult or pagan influences are pervasive in modern culture - this includes evolution, as well as all forms of psychology, some forms of entertainment, all forms of science-fiction or fantasy - especially Harry Potter - yoga, some forms of medicine, environmental concern or conservation and much of public education. His book "Occult Invasion" is dedicated to this area, while several other books mention it in part.


Hunt addressed Calvinism in a book called "What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God", published in 2002 and revised in 2004, which became one of his most controversial works. The accuracy of the book is disputed by some Calvinists, especially its treatment of Calvinist sources such as Charles Spurgeon. Multnomah Publishing chose not to print a second edition. This book is currently being self-published by Hunt. James White, a Calvinist, and others have charged Hunt with misrepresenting Calvinistic teachings, and as having insufficient knowledge of Reformed theology, or original Biblical languages, to accurately evaluate Calvinism. Others have defended Hunt's work and refuted the Calvinist assertions that Calvinist systematics need a working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew to understand or refute. The disagreements between the two theological camps continue.

Also published in 2004 was "Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views", co-written in a point-counterpoint debate format by Hunt and Calvinist apologist James White.


In "A Woman Rides the Beast", he identifies the Roman Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon from the prophecies in chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation.


"The Godmakers", which Dave Hunt co-wrote with Ed Decker, and the accompanying film, "The God Makers", was a provocative expose on Mormonism considered unfair, inaccurate and offensive by several independent reviews. Also considered fair and accurate by several independent reviews. [http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/response/general/godmakers/Independent_Reviews.htm Independent Reviews of the Godmakers Movie]


"The Seduction of Christianity" (co-written with Tom McMahon), which categorized Word of Faith teachings, meditation, and psychology-based counseling as New Age heresies, generated much debate in the 1980s. Responses from meditation proponents and from Calvinist reconstructionist writers include "Seduction?? A Biblical Response" and "The Reduction of Christianity". Hunt has written a rejoinder to the latter critics in his "Whatever Happened to Heaven?"

Hunt was one of the few Christian authors who wrote about Y2K with the intent of refuting the fearful predictions being made by other Christian Fundamentalist writers (Y2K: A Reasoned Response To Mass Hysteria).


* "America, Israel and Islam", ISBN 1-929125-32-1
* "America, the Sorcerer's New Apprentice: The Rise of New Age Shamanism", ISBN 0-89081-651-4
* "Battle for the Mind", ISBN 1-928660-09-6
* "Beyond Seduction: A Return to Biblical Christianity", ISBN 0-89081-558-5
* "Countdown to the Second Coming", ISBN 0-89081-910-6
* "Cult Explosion", ISBN 0-89081-241-1
* "A Cup of Trembling: Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy", ISBN 1-56507-334-7
* "Death of a Guru", ISBN 0-89081-434-1
* "Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views; Dave Hunt and James White", ISBN 1-59052-273-7
* "Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist", ISBN 0-89081-831-2
* "The God Makers", ISBN 1-56507-717-2
* "Honest Doubts", ISBN 1-928660-34-7
* "In Defense of the Faith: Biblical Answers to Challenging Questions", ISBN 1-56507-495-5
* "Judgment Day! Islam, Israel and the Nations", ISBN 1-928660-32-0
* "The Mind Invaders" (formerly titled "The Archon Conspiracy"), ISBN 1-56507-831-4
* "The New Spirituality", ISBN 1-56507-121-2
* "Occult Invasion", ISBN 1-56507-269-3
* "The Power of the Spirit" (by William Law, edited by Dave Hunt), ISBN 0-87508-247-5
* "Revelation Hoofbeats" (contributing author), ISBN 1-59160-873-2
* "Sanctuary of the Chosen", ISBN 1-56507-215-4
* "Secret Invasion", ISBN 0-89081-560-7
* "Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days", ISBN 0-89081-441-4
* "Seeking and Finding God", ISBN 1-928660-23-1
* "To Russia With Love" (formerly titled "Mission Possible"), ISBN 978-1-928660-36-1
* "Toward the 7th Millennium: A Penetrating Look into the Future" (contributing author), ISBN 0-937422-42-8
* "Understanding the New Age Movement", ISBN 0-89081-682-4
* "Unmasking Mormonism", ISBN 0-89081-801-0
* "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith", ISBN 0-7369-0313-5
* "What Love Is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God", ISBN 1-929125-30-5, 2 nd ed: ISBN 1-928660-12-6
* "Whatever Happened to Heaven", ISBN 0-89081-698-0
* "When Will Jesus Come?: Compelling Evidence for the Soon Return of Christ", ISBN 0-7369-1248-7
* "A Woman Rides the Beast", ISBN 1-56507-199-9
* "Y2K: A Reasoned Response to Mass Hysteria", ISBN 0-7369-0167-1
* "Also many audio and video materials, including adaptations of many of the above books."

Critical Assessments

* Douglas E. Cowan, "Bearing False Witness? An Introduction to the Christian Countercult" (Westport: Praeger, 2003).

* Gary DeMar and Peter Leithart, "The Reduction of Christianity: A Biblical Response to Dave Hunt" (Fort Worth: Dominion/Atlanta: American Vision, 1988).

* Irving Hexham, "The Evangelical Response to the New Age," in "Perspectives on the New Age", James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton, eds., (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992), pp 152-163.

* Brant Pelphrey, "Negative Thinking in a "Positive" Age (Book Review of "The Seduction of Christianity")" "Areopagus", 1/1 (Fall 1987), pp. 42-45.

* Thomas F. Reid, Mark Virkler, James A. Laine and Alan Langstaff, "Seduction?? A Biblical Response" (New Wilmington: Son-Rise, 1986).

* SCP Staff, "The Final Threat: Cosmic Conspiracy and End Times Speculation," in "The New Age Rage", Karen Hoyt and J. Isamu Yamamoto, eds., (Old Tappan: Revell, 1987), pp. 185-201.

* Gilbert W. Scharffs, "The Truth About "The God Makers": A Response to an inaccurate portrayal of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Salt Lake City: Publishers Press, 1986).

* Wally Tope, "The God Makers," "Areopagus", 3/1 (Advent 1989), pp. 48-50.


External links

More Information

* [http://www.thebereancall.org/ The Berean Call] Dave Hunt's ministry
* [http://www.bridgefm.org/davehunt.htm Dave Hunt] Dave Hunt Bio from The Bridge
* [http://www.chick.com/information/authors/hunt.asp About Dave Hunt] Dave Hunt info from Chick Publications
* [http://www.raptureready.com/who/Dave_Hunt.html Who's Who of Prophecy - Dave Hunt]
* [http://www.gotothebible.com/HTML/HuntDave.html Dave Hunt Page] Tracts and Other Materials


* [http://cultlink.com/sentinel/criattack.html CRI Attacks Dave Hunt]
* [http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/davehunt-calvinrefutation.html Dave Hunt's Powerful Refutation of Calvinism]
* [http://www.faithalone.org/journal/2002ii/vance.pdf A Review of Dave Hunt's "What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God"]
* [http://www.dornaslighthouse.com/woman_beast.html "The Woman Rides the Beast"] A book review
* [http://www.cephasministry.com/calvanism_what_love_is.html "What Love is This?" Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God] Book Review by Jackie Alnor


* [http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/1994/9409fea4.asp HUNT-ing the Whore of Babylon: Part 1] by James Akin; a brief response to Hunt's "A Woman Rides the Beast" main points.
* [http://aomin.org/index.php?itemid=1225 What Love is This?] By James White Alpha & Omega Ministries 18 January 2006
* [http://www.the-highway.com/br_whatloveisthis.html What Theology is This?] Dave Hunt’s Misrepresentation of God and Calvinism.
* [http://aomin.org/DHOpenLetter.html Blinded By Tradition] An Open Letter to Dave Hunt Regarding His Newly Published Attack Upon the Reformation, What Love Is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God by James White
* [http://aomin.org/huntvsspurgeon.html Dave Hunt vs. Charles Haddon Spurgeon Using Obfuscation to Avoid Admission of Simple and Documented Error] by James White
* [http://www.biblebb.com/files/MAC/SC03-1022CDNotes.htm Calvinism on Trial] A Response to Dave Hunt on the Doctrines of Grace by Phil Johnson

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