Boris Lagutin

Boris Lagutin

Boris Nikolayevich Lagutin ( _ru. Борис Николаевич Лагутин) (born June 24, 1938 in Moscow) was possibly the most celebrated of Soviet boxers. During his career as a boxer, he has won 241 fights and lost only 11. He won medals in three Olympic Games, including two golds, in 1964 and 1968. Lagutin also won at European championships in 1961 and 1963 and at USSR championships in 1959, 1961-64 and 1968. Until 1967 Lagutin trained at VSS Trud, then - at VSS Spartak. During the period of failures, that followed the 1964 Olympics, Lagutin was removed from the USSR team roster. Along with his trainer Vladimir Trenin Lagutin managed to find causes of his losses and earned USSR and Olympic Champion titles again in 1968.

Olympic results

*Defeated Paul Hogh (Unified Team of Germany) 5-0
*Defeated Jose Chirino (Argentina) DQ
*Defeated Eddie Davies (Ghana) did not fight
*Defeated Józef Grzesiak (Poland) 4-1
*Defeated Jo Gonzales (France) 4-1

External links

* [ Britannica article on Boris Lagutin]
* [ Biography]

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