Ilmari Kianto

Ilmari Kianto

Ilmari Kianto (May 7, 1874 Pulkkila - April 27, 1970 Helsinki), also known as Ilmari Calamnius and Ilmari Iki-Kianto, was a Finnish poet. He is best known for his books "Punainen viiva" (published 1909) and "Ryysyrannan Jooseppi" (published in 1924). Jean Sibelius used Kianto's poem 'Lastu lainehilla' (Driftwood) as the lyric for the beautiful last of his Seven Songs, Op.17 (1902).

External links

* [ Ilmari Kianto -seura ry (in Finnish)]
* [ Text of 'Lastu lainehilla' (in Finnish)]

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