- Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra
Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra is a politician and diplomat from
Mauritius – Ambassador - Paris, Rome, Madrid and Lisbon between 1992 to 1995. Aumeeruddy-Cziffra is a Former Minister of Mauritius for Women's Rights and the Family. Member of Parliament inRose-Hill , Attorney General for the Government of Mauritius between 1982 to 1983, Minister of Justice and also Ambassador toUNESCO . Former President –Conseil Permanent de la Francophonie (International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)) for 44 French Speaking states. Board member – Agence pour la Francophonie. Former Chairperson (Chairman) forMauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) . Board of Directors Member - Institute for Human Rights & Development (Gambia). She is also the firstMuslim woman to be elected as MP and to serve a Ministerial position as well as holding the position ofombudsman for protection of children rights. Board Member - Femme Africa Solidarité and lastly she is the founder member - Women in Law and Development in Africa.External links
* http://www.terredepaix.org/uploaddocuments/presentation_shirrin.doc
* http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/Mauritius.htm
* http://www.violencestudy.org/a458
* http://hei.unige.ch/~clapham/hrdoc/docs/hrcaumeeruddy.htm
* http://www.fasngo.org/advisory-board.html
* http://www.un-instraw.org/revista/hypermail/alltickers/fr/att-0659/african_20women_20pioneers.pdf
* http://www.barneombudet.no/data/f/0/07/90/5_22301_0/France.pdf
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.