La Falda

La Falda

La Falda is a small town in the provincec|Córdoba|Argentina, located 79 km from Córdoba City and 800 km from Buenos Aires. It has about 15,000 inhabitants as of the census-ar|2001.

La Falda lies at the foot of two small mountains (Cerro El Cuadrado and Cerro La Banderita), and it is part of an important touristic circuit of the province (the Punilla Valley). The Punilla Department includes other touristic sites like Villa Carlos Paz, Los Cocos, La Cumbre and Capilla del Monte.


"In Spanish unless otherwise noted."
* [ Villa Carlos Paz and Valle de Punilla]
* [ Welcome to the Punilla´s Valley] - Tourism portal.
* [ Córdoba Serrana] - Tourism portal.
* [ Argentina Turística] - Tourism portal.

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