

Blackstone refers to various people, places and concepts.


*Blackstone Group, U.S. private equity and asset management firm
*Blackstone Winery, winery located in Sonoma county, California
*Blackstone Technology Group, U.S. consulting, IT infrastructure and staffing services company


*Charles Blackstone, an American author
*Elliott Blackstone, once sergeant of the San Francisco Police Department and advocate for the lesbian, gay and transgendered community in that city
*Gay Blackstone, widow of Harry Blackstone, Jr
*Harry Blackstone, Sr. (1885–1965), a famous American magician known as "The Great Blackstone" and father of Harry Blackstone, Jr.
*Harry Blackstone, Jr. (1934–1997), popular stage magician and television performer of the late 20th century
*Ian Blackstone, an English former footballer
*Jerry Blackstone, director of choirs at the University of Michigan
*Tessa Blackstone, Baroness Blackstone, British politician
*Timothy Blackstone, Chicago Railroad and Stock Yard president
*William Blackstone (1723–1780), English jurist
*William Seymour Blackstone, 19th-century British MP and grandson of William Blackstone the jurist, above
**Blackstone's formulation, a principle in criminal law named for the jurist
**The "Commentaries on the Laws of England" by William Blackstone, a major legal text of the 18th century; often referred to as "Blackstone" or "Blackstone's "Commentaries"
*William Blackstone, aka William Blaxton (1595–1675), early English settler in New England
*William Eugene Blackstone, an American evangelist and Christian Zionist


*Blackstone, Queensland, Australia
*Blackstone, Western Australia, Australia
*Blackstone, West Sussex, England
*Blackstone, Massachusetts, United States
*Blackstone, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, a neighborhood
*Blackstone, Virginia, United States
*Blackstone Heights, Tasmania
*Blackstone Valley, a river valley and National Heritage Corridor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, United States


*Edmund 'Beau' Blackstone, a fictional 19th century detective created by Richard Falkirk (Derek Lambert)
*Blackstone Chronicles (novel series), a series of mystery and thriller novels authored by John Saul
*Blackstone Fortress, a type of space station in the fictional universe of "Warhammer 40,000"
*Blackstone (Greyhawk), a fictional mining town in the "World of Greyhawk" campaign setting for the "Dungeons & Dragons" roleplaying game
*The Blackstones, a proposed spin-off of the Flintstones cartoon from the 1970s about a black family in the Stone Age


Blackstone may also refer to:
*Black Stone, a Muslim object of reverence,
*Blackstone Avenue, a major roadway in Fresno, California, USA
*Blackstone Brewing Company, a brewery in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
*Blackstone Edge, an area of moorland along the Lancashire (Greater Manchester) and West Yorkshire county boundary in England
*Blackstone Library, Chicago's first public library
*Blackstone Hall, a dormitory at the University of Chicago
*Blackstone Hotel, a Chicago hotel
*Blackstone Hotel (Omaha), an Omaha landmark currently known as the Blackstone Center
*Blackstone Memorial, a Zionist petition written by William Eugene Blackstone
*Blackstone Valley Rail
*Blackstone, a codename for ColdFusion 7.0 - beta of ColdFusion MX 7.0, a product of Macromedia
*Blackstone, in reference to the Black P. Stones
*Blackstone Society, the Law StudentsSociety at the University of Western Australia
*Blackstone, the Magic Detective, a radio series which aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System in the late 1940s
*Operation Blackstone, part of Operation Torch, the Allied landings in Africa during World War II
*Blackstone Army Air Field, Virginia, United States
* [ Blackstone Singers] , a native American Pow Wow drum band from Alberta, Canada.

ee also

*Blackstone Lake, Ontario
*Blackstone River (disambiguation)
*Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School

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  • Blackstone, VA — U.S. town in Virginia Population (2000): 3675 Housing Units (2000): 1581 Land area (2000): 4.527119 sq. miles (11.725184 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.018457 sq. miles (0.047804 sq. km) Total area (2000): 4.545576 sq. miles (11.772988 sq. km) FIPS …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Blackstone [2] — Blackstone (spr. Bläckstone), William, geb. 1723 in London; war seit 1746 Advocat u. seit 1753 Lehrer der Rechtswissenschaft in Oxford, wo er zuerst über die Verfassung u. Gesetzgebung Englands Vorlesungen hielt, u. 1758 Professor des gemeinen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Blackstone [2] — Blackstone (spr. bläckstĕn), William, engl. Rechtsgelehrter, geb. 10. Juli 1723 in London, gest. daselbst 14. Febr. 1780, studierte im Pembroke College zu Oxford, trat 1746 als Advokat auf, fand aber keinen Beifall, weil es ihm an der nötigen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Blackstone — (spr. bläckst n), Sir William, engl. Rechtsgelehrter, geb. 10. Juli 1723 zu London, seit 1770 Richter am königl. Gerichtshof der Common Pleas, gest. 14. Febr. 1780; seine »Commentaries on the laws of England« (4 Bde., 1765 68 u.ö.) noch jetzt… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Blackstone — (Bläckston), William, geb. 1723, gest. 1780, der beste Schriftsteller über das engl. Recht (Commentaries on english law), das er in ein übersichtliches System brachte und dessen inneren Zusammenhang er darlegte, für die Engländer um so wichtiger …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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