Alfred Noble Prize

Alfred Noble Prize

The Alfred Noble Prize is an award presented by the combined engineering societies of the United States, given each year to a person not over thirty-five for a paper published in one of the journals of the participating societies.

The prize was established in 1929 in honor of Alfred Noble, past President of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

It has no connection to the Nobel Prize established by Alfred Nobel, with which this award is often confused due to the similarity of the names.

Recent recipients

  • 1990 F. Barzegar-Jamshidi
  • 1991 Kwai S. Chan
  • 1993 Sharon L. Wood
  • 1994 G. Scott Crowther
  • 1995 Maria Q. Feng
  • 1997 Hermann F. Spoerker
  • 1998 Laura B. Parsons
  • 2000 Evan Jannoulakis
  • 2002 Kevin W. Cassel
  • 2005 Christopher R. Clarkson
  • 2006 Jeffrey S. Kroner
  • 2007 Cynthia L. Dinwiddie
  • 2008 Steven R. Meer and Craig H. Benson
  • 2009 Ghim Ping Ong and Tien F. Fwa

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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