

Infobox Magazine
title = Lui

image_size =
image_caption = "Lui" in the eighties (Aug. 83) with
Valérie Kaprisky as cover girl.
publisher = Filipacchi
category = Men's magazines
total_circulation =
circulation_year =
frequency = Monthly
language = French, others
editor =
editor_title =
headquarters = Paris, France
founded = 1963
firstdate = November 1963
country = FRA
website =
issn =

"Lui" is a French adult entertainment magazine created in November 1963 by Daniel Filipacchi, a fashion photographer turned publisher.

The objective was to be bring some charm «à la française» to the market of man-only magazines, following the success of "Playboy" in the USA, launched just a decade before.

France, indeed, in the first half of XXth century had an outstanding reputation for erotic publications, feeding also foreign market and inspiring also ersatz France-flavoured magazines abroad, when, for example, US publishers used French-assonating titles like "Chère" and "Dreamé" or placed tricolour flags on the covers, attempting to attract the casual buyer [Jacques Lanzmann — Novelist, lyricist and editor of "Lui", "The Independent", 04 July 2006] . It was anyway a semi-clandestine circulating material, not allowed to be freely displayed or admittedly bought. In this sense "Playboy" changed the way 'soft-pornography' (become more respectfully 'adult entertainment'), can be publicly circulated.

This magazine was particularly successful from its origins to the early eighties, featuring many B-List but also prominent French actresses, such as Brigitte Bardot, Mireille Darc or Marlène Jobert. Its motto was "Lui, le magazine de l'homme moderne".

It featured a pin-up by Aslan.

After 1990 there were various attempts to relaunch the title. Currently it is published every three months.

National editions

*French edition (1963 - )
*German edition (1977 - 1992)
*Italian edition (1970 - 1986?)
*Spanish edition (1977 - 1978?)
*Brazilian edition (1973?)
*American edition (1972 - ) as "Oui"

Notes and References

External links

* [ on-line magazine] (Attention: Site includes pornographic content.)
* [ very good collection of past-issues] (Attention: Site includes pornographic content.)

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