180 degree rule — The 180° rule is a basic film editing guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the… … Wikipedia
180 degree rule — a screen direction rule that camera operators must follow an imaginary line on one side of the axis of action is made (e.g., between two principal actors in a scene), and the camera must not cross over that line otherwise, there is a… … Glossary of cinematic terms
180 Degree Rule — VP Keeping camera angles on one side of an imaginary line running through the set. Crossing the line can cause confusing discontinuity … Audio and video glossary
Rule of St. Benedict — • Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its composition, some analysis, and practical application Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of St. Benedict Rule of St. Benedict … Catholic encyclopedia
Rule of Saint Benedict — The Rule of Saint Benedict ( Regula Benedicti ) is a book of precepts written by St. Benedict of Nursia for monks living in community under the authority of an abbot. Since about the 7th century it has also been adopted by communities of women.… … Wikipedia
Rule of 1/1000th common ancestry — The Rule of 1/1000th common ancestry is a criterion used to create meaningful family groupings. It was first adopted by Lawrence Kestenbaum to determine which individuals should be included with specific political families on the Political… … Wikipedia
Degree of truth — In standard mathematics, propositions can typically be considered unambiguously true or false. For instance, the proposition zero belongs to the set { 0 } is regarded as simply true; while the proposition one belongs to the set { 0 } is regarded… … Wikipedia
Degree of a polynomial — The degree of a polynomial represents the highest degree of a polynominal s terms (with non zero coefficient), should the polynomial be expressed in canonical form (i.e. as a sum or difference of terms). The degree of an individual term is the… … Wikipedia
Rule of tincture — The first rule of heraldry is the rule of tincture: metal should not be put on metal, nor colour on colour (Humphrey Llwyd, 1568). This means that or and argent (gold and silver, which are represented by yellow and white) may not be placed on… … Wikipedia
rule — Synonyms and related words: Aristotelian sorites, Goclenian sorites, Procrustean law, SOP, T square, a priori truth, acme, act, act on, administration, antetype, antitype, apothegm, appointment, apriorism, archetype, as a rule, ascendancy, assize … Moby Thesaurus