Edwards Personal Preference Schedule — The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) is a forced choice, objective, non projective personality inventory, derived from the theory of H. A. Murray, which measures the rating of individuals in fifteen normal needs or motives. On the EPPS … Wikipedia
preference — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, definite, marked, strong ▪ slight ▪ individual, personal ▪ It s a matter of personal … Collocations dictionary
preference — pref|er|ence [ pref(ə)rəns ] noun ** 1. ) count or uncount a feeling of liking or wanting someone or something more than someone or something else: preference for: a preference for small dogs have a preference: Either tomorrow or Wednesday is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
preference */*/ — UK [ˈpref(ə)rəns] / US noun Word forms preference : singular preference plural preferences 1) [countable/uncountable] a feeling of liking or wanting someone or something more than someone or something else preference for: a preference for small… … English dictionary
preference — A legal term used in bankruptcy to describe a transaction deemed to have occurred under circumstances favorable to the creditor that benefited from the transaction. This provision is intended to protect unsecured creditors. Under the U.S.… … Financial and business terms
preference — pref|e|rence W3 [ˈprefərəns] n 1.) [U and C] if you have a preference for something, you like it more than another thing and will choose it if you can →↑prefer ▪ Do you have a colour preference ? preference for ▪ a cultural preference for boy… … Dictionary of contemporary English
personal — per|son|al1 [ pɜrsənl ] adjective *** ▸ 1 your own ▸ 2 private ▸ 3 aimed at one person ▸ 4 with direct relationship ▸ 5 done by someone themselves 1. ) usually before noun used about your own opinions or feelings: My own personal view is that… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
personal — I UK [ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nəl] / US [ˈpɜrsən(ə)l] adjective *** 1) [usually before noun] used about your own opinions or feelings My own personal view is that boxing should be banned. Choosing a new car is a matter of personal preference. a) used about… … English dictionary
preference*/ — [ˈpref(ə)rəns] noun [C/U] someone or something that you prefer to something else Either tomorrow or Wednesday is fine for me. Do you have a preference?[/ex] It s really just a matter of personal preference which you choose.[/ex] • in preference… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Список личных предпочтений Эдвардса (Edwards personal preference schedule, EPPS) — С. л. п. Э. это построенный в формате самоотчета личностный инвентарь, позволяющий измерять 15 потребностей и мотивов: унижения (abasement), достижения, аффилиации, агрессии, независимости, изменения (change), уважения, доминирования, стойкости… … Психологическая энциклопедия