A Tree of Palme

A Tree of Palme

Infobox Film
name = A Tree of Palme

caption = Theatrical Poster for A Tree of Palme
director = Takashi Nakamura
producer = Taro Maki
writer = Takashi Nakamura
released = 2002
runtime = 136 min.
language = Japanese
imdb_id = 0311618

Nihongo|"A Tree of Palme"|パルムの樹|Parumu no Ki is a 2002 Japanese anime film, written and directed by Takashi Nakamura. It was an official selection of the 2002 Berlin Film Festival.


"A Tree of Palme" is an interpretation of the "Pinocchio" tale. It concerns a small puppet, Palme, who was tasked by his creator to look over his ailing wife, Xian. After her passing, Palme is visited by a mysterious woman who he mistakenly believes to be Xian. Shaken out of his sadness, Palme accepts her request to deliver something special to a far-off place known as Tama. This sets Palme off on a journey to discover his own emotions, and what it truly means to be human.

Voice cast

Japanese cast

*Akiko Hiramatsu (Palme)
*Megumi Toyoguchi (Popo)
*Daisuke Sakaguchi (Shatta)
*Yurika Hino (Koram)
*Kappei Yamaguchi (Roualt)
*Motomu Kiyokawa (Fou)

English cast

*Kira Vincent-Davis (Palme)
*Jessica Boone (Popo)
*Chris Patton (Shatta)
*Allison Sumrall (Koram)
*Michael Coleman (Roualt)
*Andy McAvin (Fou)

External links


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