

Labinsk ( _ru. Лабинск), until 1947 called stanitsa Labinskaya, is a town in Krasnodar Krai, Russia, located on the Bolshaya Laba River (Kuban's tributary). Population: 61,446 (2002); 53,000 (1972).


There is a marvelous view from the high brink of rapid Laba River: the range of the Caucasus Mountains extends along the skyline in the distance. A wide green strip stretches along the banks of the Laba River in the direction of the mountains. These are the remains of the former primeval forests. This scenery can be observed from the ground that is still called the fortress. Right here stanitsa Labinskaya was founded in autumn of 1841. The Don Cossacks were the first settlers of a new stanitsa. They protected the southern borders of the Russian Empire. Later, many peasants belonging to the Cossack social class moved to Labinskaya from the inner provinces of Russia. With population over 30,000 people, Labinskaya soon became a big industrial and trade center among the neighbouring stanitsas owing to its favourable location in the valley of the Laba River.

The Labinsk Fighter Squadron was established in stanitsa when World War II began. Ivan Konstantinov was appointed the Head of the Squadron. Now one of the central streets of the town bears the name of this World War II hero. On January, 25, 1943 stanitsa Labinskaya was freed from the fascist invaders.

In 1947 stanitsa became the town named Labinsk.


* food processing industry: canning plant, sugar refinery, cheese-making and meet-processing plants
* light industry: sewing and footware factory
* chemical industry: paint-and-varnish plant.

Cereal crops and potatoes are cultivated in the region. Melon-growing is wide-spread. Dairy cattle and pig breeding are a part of local agriculture.


There is Laba health resort on the territory of Labinsk town that boasts its healing medicinal waters. The composition of the water in Labinsk is reported to resemble the composition of Baden-Baden mineral waters.

The most popular routes take the tourists along the local sites, waterfalls, caves including the trips to Lago-Naki plateau, Azishsky cave as well as Round and Black Lakes in Gornoe village.


* [ Web-portal of Labinsk-city, photo, forums, news, blogs, etc..]

* [ Official website of Labinsky District Administration - in Russian only]
* [ About the town of Labinsk and the Labinsky District at the website of Krasnodar Krai Administration - in Russian only]

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