

Lactinex is a brand name for a probiotic supplement used to replace microorganisms (gut flora) in the human intestines and colon. The brand is a registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. It may be used to treat diarrhea resulting from infection or when an antibiotic regimen destroys the harmful bacteria and gut flora alike.

The principal ingredient is one or more bacteria from the genus Lactobacillus regularly found in unpasteurized milk products. It is considered a dietary supplement and is not a prescription. The brand Lactinex requires refrigeration because it contains live microorganisms. Similar ingredients are also found in freeze dried varieties that do not require refrigeration.

USES:Lactinex is effective in fever blisters/cold sores/herpes simplex virus. At the first indication of an outbreak, take 6 tablets, and follow every four hours with 4-6 tablets until symptoms disappear. If symptoms are already visible, Lactinex will prevent further outbreak but may not be effective in clearing the existing outbreak.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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