- Muslims in Western Europe
Minimum estimates of
Muslim populations inWestern Europe (EU 27 plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland) as a percentage of total country population:Country % Muslims Total Population Muslim Population Cyprus 18.0% 788,457 264,172 (see Islam in Cyprus )Bulgaria 12.0% 7,640,238 960,000 (see Islam in Bulgaria )France 3%-6% [http://www.20minutes.fr/article/142664/France-Croyants-et-athees-ou-habitent-ils-en-France.php] 64,107,812 2,000,000 -5,000,000 (see Islam in France )Netherlands 5.0% 16,341,925 850,000 (see Islam in the Netherlands )Austria 4.8% [http://www.nowpublic.com/life/muslims-overtake-protestants-austria-study-says] 8,169,929 400,000 (see Islam in Austria )Switzerland 4.3% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3431.htm] 7,301,994 315,000 (see Islam in Switzerland )Germany 4.0% 82,515,988 3,300,000 (see Islam in Germany )Sweden 3.9% 9,006,405 351,250 (see Islam in Sweden )Belgium 3.8% 10,445,852 400,000 (see Islam in Belgium )Andorra 3.6% 71,000 2,600 (see Islam in Andorra )United Kingdom 2.8% 59,834,300 1,615,526 (see Islam in the United Kingdom )Norway 2.5% 4,593,041 150,000 (see Islam in Norway )Slovenia 2.4% 2,023,358 47,488 (see Islam in Slovenia )Spain 2.1% 46,063,511 900.000 (see Islam in Spain )Denmark 2.0% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3167.htm] 5,415,978 100,000 (see Islam in Denmark )Italy 1.5% 58,462,375 1,000,000 (see Islam in Italy )Luxembourg 1.5% 448,569 6,000 (see Islam in Luxembourg )Ireland 0.8% 4,239,848 32,539 (see Islam in Ireland )Portugal 0.1% 10,084,245 10,000 (see Islam in Portugal )Finland 0.4% 5,293,545 20,000 (see Islam in Finland )Iceland 0.3% 300,000 800 (see Islam in Iceland )Romania 0.3% 22,246,862 67,566 (see Islam in Romania )Hungary 0.1% 10,041,000 10,000 (see Islam in Hungary )Slovakia 0.1% 5,379,455 5,000 (see Islam in Slovakia )Czech Republic 0.1% 10,403,136 10,000 (see Islam in Czech Republic )Poland 0.07% 38,115,641 30,000 (see Islam in Poland )Lithuania 0.09% 3,369,600 3,000 (see Islam in Lithuania )Latvia 0.04% 2,270,700 1,000 (see Islam in Latvia )Estonia 0.15% 1,340,602 2,000 (see Islam in Estonia )Malta 0.73% 410,290 3,000 (see Islam in Malta )(Source: [http://www.economist.com/PrinterFriendly.cfm?Story_ID=1683148 The Economist] , April 3,
2003 )(Second Source: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm BBC] )
The figures are estimates, and not necessarily exactly comparable, due to differences in method of data collection and data presentation in different countries.ee also
Islam in Europe
*European Islam References
External links
* [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11369578/ MSNBC feature on Muslims in Europe]
* [http://www.euro-islam.info Euro-Islam.info] Research on the position of Muslims in European society.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.