Muslims in Western Europe

Muslims in Western Europe

Minimum estimates of Muslim populations in Western Europe (EU 27 plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland) as a percentage of total country population:

Country% MuslimsTotal PopulationMuslim Population
Cyprus18.0%788,457264,172(see Islam in Cyprus)
Bulgaria12.0%7,640,238960,000(see Islam in Bulgaria)
France3%-6% [] 64,107,8122,000,000 -5,000,000(see Islam in France)
Netherlands5.0%16,341,925850,000(see Islam in the Netherlands)
Austria4.8% [] 8,169,929400,000(see Islam in Austria)
Switzerland4.3% [] 7,301,994315,000(see Islam in Switzerland)
Germany4.0%82,515,9883,300,000(see Islam in Germany)
Sweden3.9%9,006,405351,250(see Islam in Sweden)
Belgium3.8%10,445,852400,000(see Islam in Belgium)
Andorra3.6%71,0002,600(see Islam in Andorra)
United Kingdom2.8%59,834,3001,615,526(see Islam in the United Kingdom)
Norway2.5%4,593,041150,000(see Islam in Norway)
Slovenia2.4%2,023,35847,488(see Islam in Slovenia)
Spain2.1%46,063,511900.000(see Islam in Spain)
Denmark2.0% [] 5,415,978100,000(see Islam in Denmark)
Italy1.5%58,462,3751,000,000(see Islam in Italy)
Luxembourg1.5%448,5696,000(see Islam in Luxembourg)
Ireland0.8%4,239,84832,539(see Islam in Ireland)
Portugal0.1%10,084,24510,000(see Islam in Portugal)
Finland0.4%5,293,54520,000(see Islam in Finland)
Iceland0.3%300,000800(see Islam in Iceland)
Romania0.3%22,246,86267,566(see Islam in Romania)
Hungary0.1%10,041,00010,000(see Islam in Hungary)
Slovakia0.1%5,379,4555,000(see Islam in Slovakia)
Czech Republic0.1%10,403,13610,000(see Islam in Czech Republic)
Poland0.07%38,115,64130,000(see Islam in Poland)
Lithuania0.09%3,369,6003,000(see Islam in Lithuania)
Latvia0.04%2,270,7001,000(see Islam in Latvia)
Estonia0.15%1,340,6022,000(see Islam in Estonia)
Malta0.73%410,2903,000(see Islam in Malta)

(Source: [ The Economist] , April 3, 2003)(Second Source: [ BBC] )
The figures are estimates, and not necessarily exactly comparable, due to differences in method of data collection and data presentation in different countries.

ee also

*Islam in Europe
*European Islam


External links

* [ MSNBC feature on Muslims in Europe]
* [] Research on the position of Muslims in European society.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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