- Föhrenwald
The Föhrenwald DP camp was one of the largest in post-
World War II Europe and the last to close (in 1957). It was located in the section now known as Waldram inWolfratshausen inBavaria ,Germany .The camp facilities were originally built by Nazi authorities in 1939 to house construction workers of the
IG Farben concern, then was populated by slave laborers during the war. In June of 1945, the camp was appropriated by the US Army administration of postwar Germany's American sector, for the purpose of housing international refugees. The camp's initial population comprised refugees of Jewish ,Yugoslavia n, Hungarian, and Baltic origin. OnOctober 3 ,1945 , GeneralDwight D. Eisenhower ordered that Föhrenwald be made an exclusively Jewish DP camp, after he had found living conditions at the Feldafing camp unacceptable.From 1946 to 1948, Föhrenwald grew to become the third largest DP camp in the American sector, after Feldafing and Landsberg. By January of 1946, its population had reached 5,600. Many couples got married there. The birth rate in 1946 stood at 70-80 births per thousand, about double that of countries in the developing world.
As part of the network of Displaced Persons camps, Föhrenwald operated under the auspices of
UNRRA . The camp's director,Henry Cohen , was a young US army veteran who went to great lengths to provide for the residents' welfare. Assisting Cohen in the camp's administration and operation was a Camp Committee whose members were elected from among candidates representing a range of political parties.As director, Cohen fostered the rehabilitation of the camp's residents, encouraging adult education and vocational training. A school was established for youngsters, with extracurricular activities arranged largely through the efforts of local chapters of the Jewish youth movements. The camp's autonomous cultural life included musical and theatrical performances. It published an internal newspaper, "Bamidbar" ("In the wilderness", the Hebrew name for the
Book of Numbers ), that in 1947 issued a 100-pagealmanac documenting the camp's activities.Residents enjoyed freedom to practice their religion. A
yeshiva (rabbinic seminary andTorah academy) was established within the camp. With the presence of RabbiYekusiel Yehudah Halberstam , founder of the Sanz-KlausenbergHasidic sect, and his followers, Föhrenwald became the center for Hasidic Jewry in the American sector.During the early years of the camp's operation, residents mounted several protest campaigns against Allied policy, particularly regarding the restrictions on Jewish immigration to Mandatory Palestine. The
Zionist youth movement s organized communal groups called "kibbutzim" for training young pioneers. A number of residents who attempted clandestine immigration to Mandatory Palestine in violation of British restrictions, were apprehended by the authorities and sent back to Föhrenwald.A
tuberculosis epidemic swept the camp in the summer of 1946, prompted the establishment of a "Committee of Jewish Tubercular Patients". The committee became an advocate for those residents who were unwilling or unable to leave.In 1951, the German government took over administration of the camp, while the
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee maintained a presence there until 1954. By that time, the remaining residents of other camps that were closed were transferred to Föhrenwald, that continued in operation until 1957.Since then, the camp was renamed Waldram and is a residential area. Streets in Föhrenwald were typically named for American states and individuals, but these have been renamed. For example, Rooseveltstrasse is now Thomasstrasse; Pennsylvianastrasse has become Faulhaberstrasse, etc.
External links
* [http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/index.php?ModuleId=10007059&Type=normal+article| US Holocaust Memorial Museum article on Foehrenwald]
* [http://www.remember.org/witness/cohen.html| Text of talk (1996) by Henry Cohen, former director of the Föhrenwald DP camp, based on his detailed reports written during his tenure]
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