Alfred Brehm

Alfred Brehm

Alfred Edmund Brehm (born February 2, 1829 in Unterrenthendorf, nowcalled Renthendorf; died November 11, 1884 in Renthendorf) was a
German zoologist and writer, the son of
Christian Ludwig Brehm.Through the book title "Brehms Tierleben", his name became a synonymfor popular zoological literature.


Alfred Brehm was brought up in the small Thuringian villageUnterrenthendorf as the son of the minister Christian Ludwig Brehmand his second wife Bertha. Christian Ludwig Brehm made a name forhimself as an ornithologist by publications and an extensive collectionof stuffed birds. The collection, held in the parsonage andconsisting of over 9,000 dead birds, offered a glimpse into the world ofEuropean birds. His father's research gave Brehm an interest in zoology,but at first he wanted to become an architect.In the spring of 1844 he began to study with a builder in Altenburg.He continued his studies there until September 1846, when he left for
Dresden in order to study architecture; however, he stopped after twosemesters because Johann Wilhelm von Müller,a well-known ornithologist, was looking for a companion for an
African expedition. Brehm joined theexpedition on May 31, 1847 as a secretary and assistant to von Müller.The expedition took him to Egypt, the Sudan, and the Sinai peninsula;the discoveries made were so important that, at the age of only 20,he was made a member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina.

After his return, in 1853 he started to study natural sciences at the
University of Jena. Like his brother Reinhold, he became active with the
student corps Saxonia Jena;because of his expedition to North Africa, he received the nickname Pharaohfrom his corps brothers. He graduated after four semesters in 1855and in 1856 went on a two-year journey to Spain with his brotherReinhold. Afterwards he settled down in Leipzig as a freelance writer andwrote many scientific popularizations for Die Gartenlaube and othermagazines. Apart from this, he undertook an expedition to Norway and Laplandin 1860.

In May 1861 Brehm married his cousin Mathilde Reiz,with whom he had five children. Since he wanted to travel, in 1862 he accepted the invitation of
Duke Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg-Gothato accompany him on a trip to Abyssinia. Afterwards, Brehm travelledto Africa as well as to Scandinavia and Siberia. His essays andexpeditionreports from the animal world were well-received by the educated bourgeoisie;because of this, he was commissioned bythe editor of the Bibliographisches Institut, Herrmann Julius Meyer,to write a large multivolume work on the animal world.This book became known worldwide as "Brehms Tierleben" (or, in English,"Brehm's Life of Animals".) Although Brehm's ethology is no longer seenas correct, the title of his work is still a catchphrase.

Brehm's life was full with writing, scientific expeditions and lecture tours. Despite this, in 1862, he accepted the post of first director of the Zoological Garden of Hamburg and kept this position until 1867. Afterwards he went to Berlin, where he opened an aquarium. He remained with the aquarium until 1874. In the winter of 1883 to 1884 Brehm planned a lecture tour to the USA. Shortly before his departure, his four children contracted diphtheria. Since he could not afford to break his contract, Brehm, a widower since 1878, went ahead with his tour. At the end of January he received word of his youngest son's death. After the hardship of this news Brehm relapsed into malaria, which he had caught in Africa in his expedition days. On May 11, 1884, he came back to Berlin. In order to find peace,he returned in July to his home town of Renthendorf, where he died on November 11, 1884. Today, the Brehm Memorial Museum is located there.

Selected publications

* "Brehms Tierleben" (English title: "Brehm's Life of Animals".) See the article on Brehms Tierleben for its editions, titles and availability of online text.
* "Reiseskizzen aus Nord-Ost-Afrika" (1855, 3 vols., pub. Friedrich Mauke, Jena.)
* "Das Leben der Vögel" (pub. C. Flemming, Glogau, 1861; second edition 1867.)
* "Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Habesch" (1863, pub. O. Meissner, Hamburg.)
* "Die Thiere des Waldes", with Emil Adolf Rossmässler (2 vols., 1864–1867, pub. C. F. Winter, Leipzig and Heidelberg.)
* "Gefangene Vögel", with Otto Finsch (2 vols., 1872–1876, pub. C.F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig.)

External links

* [ Entomologie Vieux livres A. E. Brehm] (French) Information on and table of contents from the work "Merveilles de la nature: les insectes", A. E. Brehm, tr. J. Künckel d'Herculais.
* (In Dutch)
* [ Project Gutenberg-DE page on Brehm] (German) Includes text from "Brehms Thierleben" and "Tiergeschichten".
* [ Page on Brehm] (German)

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