- Pillinger, Tasmania
Pillinger, Tasmania is an abandoned port and townsite in Kelly Basin, on the south eastern side of
Macquarie Harbour on the West Coast ofTasmania .It was constructed for
James Crotty 'sNorth Mount Lyell mining company to ship ore from the North Mount Lyell mine, utilising theNorth Mount Lyell Railway that took the ore to the smelters at Crotty and on to Pillinger. East Pillinger was a company town, and West Pillinger was the neighbouring government town. East Pillinger had 3 wharves, a sawmill, brickworks and ore crusher. West Pillinger had stores, hotels and a police station. [cite web|url=http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/factsheets/parks_and_places/EastPillinger.pdf |title=East Pillinger, historic township |publisher=Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania |month=July | year=2002 |author=Tasmanian Heritage Office: DTPHA (compiled) |accessdate=2006-10-06|format=PDF]Pillinger was the name of an old
Tasmania n family, some of whom were politicians.When the
Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company took over the North Mount Lyell operations, most of the town and port facilities were either removed and utilised elsewhere, or left to rot.The Tasmanian government have graded the town and its vicinity as a historical area.
* Whitham, Charles. "Western Tasmania: A Land of Riches and Beauty.":2003 edition - Queenstown: Municipality of Queenstown. :1949 edition - Hobart: Davies Brothers. OCLC|48825404;ASIN [http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FMPZ80 B000FMPZ80] :1924 edition - Queenstown: Mount Lyell Tourist Association. OCLC|35070001;ASIN [http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0008BM4XC B0008BM4XC]
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