Mink (manga)

Mink (manga)

Infobox animanga/Header
name = Mink

caption = Volume 3 of TokyoPop's release of "Mink"
ja_name = 電脳少女☆Mink
ja_name_trans = Dennō Shōjo Mink
genre = Magical Girl, Idol
Infobox animanga/Manga
title =
author = Megumi Tachikawa
publisher = flagicon|Japan Kodansha
publisher_other = flagicon|USA TOKYOPOP
flagicon|France Vegetal Soleil
demographic =
magazine = Nakayoshi
first = March 6, 2000
last = February 6, 2002
volumes = 6

nihongo|"Mink"|電脳少女☆Mink|Dennō Shōjo Mink|trans. "Cyber Girl Mink" is a magical girl manga that was written by Megumi Tachikawa the creator of Saint Tail and Dream Saga, it was published by Kodansha and serialized in Nakayoshi magazine in 2000. It was republished translated into French by Soleil Productions (fr) as "Cyber Idol Mink" in 2003, and in English by Tokyopop in 2004.


Mink Shiraishi and her friends Moriyama Kanoka and Toriumi Mahoko are out shopping for the latest CD by their favourite idol Illiya when Mink somehow ends up purchasing a mysterious CD-rom called "WANNA-BE" instead. She and her friends notice that the date written on it is 2099. Kanoka, a computer fan, boots it up on her laptop, believing it to be a program that will allow the users to create their own idol. The girls set about doing so and name their idol "Mink" when suddenly the idol springs out of the laptop and merges with the real Mink. Mink finds that she can now transform into her "Cyber Idol" form by saying "WANNA-BE Stand by....setup!" She then pursues a pop career, although the robot Om (who came with the "WANNA-BE" package) warns her that if her identity is discovered by anyone other than Kanoka and Mahoko, she will be deleted, as using technology from the future is a serious crime.


Main Chartacers

Mink Shirashi:"'Mink is a 14-year-old school girl, who buys the CD WANNA-BE. Her friends are Kanoko and Mohako. She loves Illiya, but loves her manager, Motoharu, even more: she makes him chocolate for Valentines Day and when she gets jealous of Yuka when he starts paying more attention to her. Mink appears in the first manga.

Cyber Idol Mink:Mink when she transforms into a Cyber Chic. Her personality is a little brighter than the original Mink. Cyber Idol Mink appears in the first manga.

Motoharu Toriumi:Mink's manager and Mohako's older brother. Mahoko and him were separated when their parents got divorced: Mahoko going with their mum and him with their dad. He cares a lot about Mink's well being, putting her above any value of money, but it is unknown if he returns her feelings or whether he is even aware of them. He is unaware of Mink's true identity and later becomes Yuka's manager. Motoharu appears in the first manga.


Illiya:The famous pop star and actor who used to be the singer in Jagunna, but then started acting, doing solos, and even made his own brand. He may have some feelings for Mink,. At the end of Volume 3, he offers her a chance to be a part of his label, but by doing so, she would have to abandon Motoharu. He, like many others, is still unsure of Mink's true identity. Illiya appears in the first manga.

Azumi Mizuhara:Azumi is an actress and singer. When Mink first appeared, she was doing a live broadcast, but then Mink stole her spotlight. Ever since then, she proclaims Mink as her enemy and using every opportunity to try and ruin her reputation. Azumi appears in the first manga.

Yuka Akane:Yuka is the new transfer student in Volume 3 who hires Motoharu as her manager. She is a fan of both Mink and Azumi and looks up to them as role models. She is tricked by Azumi into thinking that Illiya and Mink are together and wants to "help" them, thinking that this would make Mink happy. Other Characters

"'The Celebrity Killer (Johnny Hotta)Johnny Hotta, or the "Celebrity Killer," is a strange man who is always on the lookout for gossip. He is willing to make up rumours about celebrities, often ignoring the truth.

Mahoko Toriumi:Mahoko is Motoharu's sister and Mink's friend and classmate. She is very fond of her brother and even makes him lunch. She calls him Mo and acts like the older sibling. Mahoko appears in the first manga.

Kanoka Moriyama:Kanoka is Mahoko and Mink's friend. She is a computer genius. Kanoka appears in the first manga

Kyo Falwell:Kyo Falwell made the Wanna-be program. Mostly starring inside issue #5, he tried to use the program to get revenge on the programmers who banned him. He was arrested at the beginning of issue #6

Om:Om is the robot from the Wanna-Be software. Om appears in the first manga.

External links

* [http://www.tokyopop.com/dbpage.php?propertycode=CYR&categorycode=BMG&page=introduction TokyoPop's "Mink" page]
* [http://www6.plala.or.jp/mts/ Satellite-M Megumi Tachikawa's website]
* [http://www.sweetusagi.com/mink/ Cyber Mink : on SweetUsagi]
* [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=2843 "Mink" on Anime News Network]
* [http://idolmink.tripod.com/ Cyber Idol Mink: The Unofficial Website]
* [http://henshin.anime-myth.com/idolmink.html Cyber Idol Mink page on Henshin: The Mahou Shoujo Genre site]

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