- List of blogging terms
This is a list of blogging terms.
Blog ging, like any hobby, has developed something of a specialisedvocabulary . The following is an attempt to explain a few of the more common phrases and words, including etymologies when not obvious.Blog-related terms
Autocast ing: Automated form of podcasting that allows bloggers and blog readers to generate audio versions of text blogs from RSS feeds.;Audioblog: A blog where the posts consist mainly of voice recordings sent by mobile phone, sometimes with some short text message added formetadata purposes. (cf. podcasting )B
Blog Carnival : Ablog article that contains links to other articles covering a specific topic. Most blog carnivals are hosted by a rotating list of frequent contributors to the carnival, and serve to both generate new posts by contributors and highlight new bloggers posting matter in that subject area.;Blog client : (weblog client) is software to manage (post, edit) blogs from operating system with no need to launch a web browser. A typical blog client has an editor, a spell-checker and a few more options that simplify content creation and editing.;Blog ger: Person who runs a blog. Alsoblogger.com , a popular blog hosting web site. Rarely: weblogger.;Bloggernacle : Blogs written by and for Mormons (aportmanteau of "blog" and "Tabernacle)". Generally refers to faithful Mormon bloggers and sometimes refers to a specific grouping of faithful Mormon bloggers.;Bloggies : One of the most popular [http://www.fairvue.com/bloggies/ blog awards] .;Blogroll: A list of blogs, usually placed in the sidebar of a blog, that reads as a list of recommendations by the blogger of other blogs.;Blogosphere : All blogs, or the blogging community. Also called blogistan or, more rarely, blogspace.C
Collaborative blog : A blog (usually focused on a single issue or political stripe) on which multiple users enjoy posting permission. Also known as group blog. ;Comment spam : Like e-mail spam. Robot “spambots” flood a blog with advertising in the form of bogus comments. A serious problem that requires bloggers and blog platforms to have tools to exclude some users or ban some addresses in comments.D
;Desktop Blogging Client: An off-line blog management (posting, editing and archiving) tool
Fisking :To rebut a blog entry in a line-by-line fashion.;Flog :Aportmanteau of "fake" and "blog". A blog that's ghostwritten by someone, such as in the marketing department.;Feeds: RSS FeedsM
Milblog : Term for blogs written by members or veterans of any branch of military service -Army ,Navy ,Air Force , orMarines . A contraction of "military" and "blog".;Moblog : Aportmanteau of "mobile" and "blog". A blog featuring posts sent mainly bymobile phone , using SMS or MMS messages. They are often photoblogs.P
Permalink : Permanent link. The unique URL of a single post. Use this when you want to link to a post somewhere.;Phlog : Type of blog utilising theGopher protocol instead ofHTTP :APhotoblog . Aportmanteau of "photo" and "blog".;Photoblog : A blog mostly containing photos, posted constantly and chronologically.;Pingback : The alert in the TrackBack system that notifies the original poster of a blog post when someone else writes an entry concerning the original post.;Podcasting : Contraction of “iPod” and “broadcasting” (but not for iPods only). Posting audio and video material on a blog and its RSS feed, for digital players.;Post : An entry written and published to a blog.R
RSS : Really Simple Syndication is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.;RSS aggregator : Software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed, especially the latest posts on their favourite blogs. Also called a reader, or feedreader. ;RSS feed: The file containing a blog’s latest posts. It is read by an RSS aggregator/reader and shows at once when a blog has been updated. It may contain only the title of the post, the title plus the first few lines of a post, or the entire post.;
Spam blog : A blog which is composed of spam. A Spam blog or "any blog whose creator doesn't add any written value.";Slashdot effect : The Slashdot effect can hit blogs or other website, and is caused by a major website (usuallySlashdot , but alsoDigg ,Metafilter ,Boing Boing ,Instapundit and others) sending huge amounts of temporary traffic that often slow down the server.;Subscribe : The term used when a blogs feed is added to afeed reader likeBloglines orGoogle . Some blogging platforms have internal subscriptions, this allows readers to receive notification when there are new posts in a blog.T
Template : Templates, used on the "back end" of a blog that work together to handle information and present it on a blog.;Theme :CSS based code that when applied to the templates will result in visual element changes to the blog. The theme, as a whole, is also referred to as ablog design .;TrackBack : A system that allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and has written another entry concerning it. The system works by sending a 'ping' between the blogs, and therefore providing the alert.V
Vlog : A video blog; a vlogger is a video blogger (e.g. someone who records himself interviewing people of a certain field).W
Warblog : a blog devoted mostly or wholly to covering news events concerning an ongoing war.References
* See alsoBROG .
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