Honi Soit

Honi Soit

Infobox Magazine
title = Honi Soit
company = University of Sydney Students' Representative Council
paid_circulation =
unpaid_circulation =
total_circulation = 10000
circulation_year =
frequency = Weekly
language = English
category = Youth
editor = flagicon|Australia Hamish Nairn, Lucy Boyle, Daniel Selikowitz, Alice Dixon, Bennett Mason, Edwina Burn, Kip Williams, Kate Leaver, Steve Hind, Anya Poukchanski
editor_title = Editors
firstdate = 1929
country = flagcountry|Australia

website = [http://www.src.usyd.edu.au/Honisoit/index.html Honi Soit]

"Honi Soit" is a student newspaper of the University of Sydney, first published in 1929 and produced by an elected editorial team as part of the activities of the Students' Representative Council (SRC). [University of Sydney archives [http://www.usyd.edu.au/arms/archives/gosper.htm] ] The name is short for the phrase "Honni soit qui mal y pense" (French: "shame upon him who thinks evil of it"), the motto of the British Order of the Garter. The spelling of the word "Honi" is old French, it would nowadays be spelt "Honni". [Maven's Word of the Day. [http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/index.pperl?date=19960827] ]

"Honi Soit" is a tabloid-style publication incorporating a mixture of humorous and serious opinion articles. A typical issue contains a satirical cover story lampooning a topical current event or person, letters to the editor, campus news, and opinion and pop culture articles. Periodically, special editions are published, including "Election Honi", devoted towards covering the relevant student elections, and "Queer Honi", dedicated to covering LGBT issues.

Issues are published weekly during university semesters.

Editors are elected as a "ticket" of up to 10 students, elected each year in conjunction with the annual SRC elections. Past editors have included Clive James, Andrew Reimer and members of The Chaser.

Art of Shoplifting controversy

In 1995, "Honi Soit" reprinted a controversial article from "Rabelais Student Media", its La Trobe University counterpart, entitled "The Art of Shoplifting" – one of seven student newspapers to do so. Although the "Rabelais" editors responsible for the original article were prosecuted for ignoring a ban on publication issued by the state's Chief Censor; the editors of the other seven newspapers were not targeted by the authorities. Charges against the "Rabelais" editors were later dropped. [cite web
last =
first =
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =The Rabelais Case
work = Burning Issues
publisher =
date = 1999-21-08
url = http://libertus.net/censor/rabelais.html
format = HTML
doi =
accessdate = 2007-08-16


External links

* [http://www.src.usyd.edu.au/HTML2/pubs_content.htm "Honi Soit" official website site.]

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