Knightly Orders

Knightly Orders

In Warhammer Fantasy, the Nation of the Empire has several orders of knights whose duty is to uphold the safety and Honour of the Empire. The many orders represent different gods of the Empires polytheistic society and also represent the multiculturalism of the Empire.The Most significant orders are
*Knights Panther
*Knights of the White Wolf
*Knights of the Blazing Sun

Each of the Knightly orders is led by a Grandmaster. The grandmasters are allowed to command armies of non-knightly troops in the name of an Elector count and the Emperor, they are some of the toughest and most determined men and the Empire and little concerns them. Knights are equipped with full plate armour and ride barded warhorses.

=Major Orders=

Knights Panther

The Knights Panther is one of the two largest and most important of the Knightly Orders in Empire. Together with the White Wolves they are larger than all the other orders combined. They are avowed enemies of Chaos and are dedicated to the eradication of mutants and the preservation of racial purity within Empire. To a man, they are renowned for their obsession with racial purity, and their fanaticism in hunting down mutants. Their code of honour requires them to never suffer a mutant or other bearer of the "mark of chaos" to live.


To their Grand Master and local Elector counts. In Talabheim they form the elite corps of the standing army. In Middenheim the Graf has directly under his personal command a unit of Knights Panther, who are sworn to defend and obey the Graf until death.


The Knights Panther claim to be the oldest of the Knightly orders and trace their existence back to the wars against Araby nearly a thousand years ago. During those wars Knights from all over the Old world invaded the lands of Araby, first driving them from the south of Estalia, and subsequently carrying the battle into Araby itself. The returning knights brought back many great treasures plundered from the palaces of the Sultans of Araby, including gold and silver, precious gems, silks, furs, and exotic animals the like of which had never been seem in the Old World. Amongst these many creatures were panthers, tigers and leopards liberated from the extensive pleasure gardens of Istrabul, as well as furs which they proudly displayed as cloaks and saddlecloths, or decoration for their helms. When the knights paraded through the streets of the cities of the Empire many did so accompanied by one of these marvellous creatures padding beside him, led by golden chain. This created such an abiding impression that the Knightly Order founded by these returning crusaders became known as the Knights Panther. Some of the panthers carried off by the victorious Old Worlders were eventually to become fur saddle cloths or trimming for fur cloaks, and this helped to reinforce the association. Today the original panthers and even their hides have long gone, but the memory of the Arabian wars is maintained by the Knights Panther.Their battle standard was made by the "College of Light Wizards", one of the first Colleges of Magic to be established in Altdorf. It protects the Knights Panther from magic by warding away evil sorcery. The banner was created as part payment for property owned by the Knights Panther which the Wizards took on as part of their College buildings. Even today, after much rebuilding, the central tower still stands as it did then, and continues to be known as the Panther Tower.


Although the original furs have long since mouldered away to nothing, the Knights still trim their clothes and crests with whatever exotic spotted or striped fur they can obtain. Their shields carry the emblem of their order, the fabled spotted panther of Araby.

Named characters

*Seneschal Heinrich Kessler, slayer of Azhag the Slaughterer.
* Baron Heirinch Von Torlichhelm, Master of the Order.

Knights of the White Wolf

The Knights of the White Wolf are an elite order of templar knights who follow the god of wolves, winter, and war, Ulric and are based in the city of Middenheim.

They are organized into various companies categorized by different colors (Red, Gold, White, Silver). There is also another company, known as the Grey Company, who were exiled based on a conspirancy against them by an unknown group for reasons beyond the members of the company. The former Grey Company now wanders the Empire trying to regain their lost honour - they call themselves Ulric's Chosen.

The White Wolves do not fight with lances like the other orders but with cavalry hammers.

The White wolves as a fighting unit have existed since the time of sigmar as the bodyguards of the Kings and were known for the charge along with other units like the Raven Helms that saved Sigmar and members of his tribe when they were encircled by orcs. However at some point afterwards where disbanded and reformed years later in Middenheim.

Knights of the Blazing Sun

The Knights of the Blazing Sun are the third largest and influential of the Knightly Orders in The Empire. The knights belonging to this order are all followers of Myrmidia, a goddess of warfare especially popular in the southern parts of the Old World.


During the wars against Araby some of the Empire's knights helped to recapture the Temple of Myrmidia in Magritta in 1457 IC, the southern sea port of Estalia. This was part of the crusades which eventually freed the land of Estalia from the Arabian invaders. The battle was a great victory for the Knights of the Old World, made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurrence. During the fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia, a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dreaded Black Scimitar Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel. Just as the Arabians closed in a sudden earth tremor shook the temple, dislodging a huge bronze statue of Myrmidia riding a pegasus which was fixed on its topmost steeple. The statue plummeted to the ground below, smashing into a thousand fragments and crushing the Emir and his troops. This event was to prove the turning point of the battle. Afterwards, upon returning to Empire, the surviving knights of that battle established the Order of the Blazing Sun with Myrmidia as its patron and protector and built a shrine to Myrmidia in Talabheim.


These knights wear armour of burnished brass, and their shields bear the device of the blazing sun. Their standard depics a soaring Pegasus against the blazing sun emblem.

The Reiksguard

Founded during the reign of Wilhelm, the first Emperor in the line of the princes of Altdorf, the Reiksguard is recruited from the oldest sons of the Empire's nobility. Unlike other Knightly Orders, the Reiksguard is divided into warriors who fight on foot and on horseback. Regardless of how they fight, the Knights' weapons are of the highest quality, and their armour is polished to a mirror-like finish and topped with crests that carry the colors of reigning Emperor Karl Franz.

The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor's best troops and, as such, form the core of his household guard. In this way, many masters of the Order have served as Imperial bodyguards, both on the field of battle as well as at other, more stately, functions. It is traditional also for the Grand Master of the Reiksguard to serve as the Reiksmarshal, second only in authority to the Emperor himself in matters of war.

In battle, the Reiksguard favour fighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full splendor of their mirrored armor and crimson plumes. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a decisive charge by the Reiksguard Knights or a stalwart defense by the Reiksguard foot. Despite the potential power and influence that such a reputation offers, the Reiksguard has always stayed apolitical and loyal first, last, and always to the reigning Emperor — a stance that has in the past set them at odds with other, more transient Orders.

=Minor Orders=

The Order of the Black Bear

Easily the most boisterous of all the Knightly Orders within the Empire, the Knights of the Black Bear maintain a fortress on the borders of Averland as well as a Chapterhouse in Averheim itself. Close as they are to the haunted land of Sylvania and the Orc-infested Worlds Edge Mountains, the Bears of Averland do not lack for opportunities to prove their martial valor. Even so, the Knights have often found themselves without a foe and have thus fashioned a series of martial tournaments to provide an outlet for their energies (they had previously engaged in the practice of Halfling coursing — outlawed in 2402). These tourneys test all facets of what the Black Bear perceive to be Knightly skills and include such feats as swordplay, horsemanship, and of course, quaffing. Where the name of the Order originates is a source of much debate. The official story, as put forward by the Bears themselves, speaks of a noble-yet-impoverished Knight having to wrestle a great bear to save a lady of noble birth who had become lost in the wilderness. Recognising the nobility of his deed and being possessed of great wealth, she presented her savoir with a gift of monies, which he used to found an Order house in Averheim. It is in this memory that each of the Order's tournaments is opened by the Grand Master wrestling a bear — a practice that can lead to a great many Grand Masters coming and going in the space of a year. Other, violently suppressed rumours indicate that there was no such incident and that the Order takes its name from a tavern of the same name in Averheim.

The Knights Griffon

The Knights Griffon are arguably the most drilled and militaristic Order in the modern Empire. Their daily rituals mostly consist of strict martial training. A veteran Knight Griffon is the epitome of discipline and soldiery on the field of battle. He is able and willing to hold his ground, attack, or retreat in good order should the situation require it. The Knights Griffon were founded in the year 2305 by Emperor Magnus the Pious as part of his rebuilding of the Empire after the Great War against Chaos. Magnus requested one hundred of the most loyal and devout Knights Panther to join him at his court in Nuln, where he formed an Order of devout Templars directly responsible for the protection of the Temple to Sigmar in the Empire's then-capital. The Knights were deeply honoured by this selection and accepted the offer, and the Order of Knights Griffon was incepted. When the crown passed to the Princes of Altdorf in 2429, the Knights Griffon moved their Chapterhouse to the Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf to maintain their vow to protect the heart of Sigmar's realm. As a result, there is some animosity between the Knights Griffon and the Reiksguard, each of whom views the other as imposing on their traditional role.

The Knights of the White Cross

Although not on a par with orders such as 'The Reiksguard' or even that of 'The Knights Griffon', 'The Knights of the White Cross' still hold many chapterhouses throughout The Empire and are well known to the common folk especially in the further regions and isolated farmsteads of there homeland. The order was formed in the wake of the First Great War against Chaos in an effort to stem the tide of plagues and all manor of vile alliments which were befalling the population of the Empire as a result of Chaos' incursions. The order, is devoted to the care of the sick and those who suffer from disease in the Empire and extend this as Templars of healing on the battlefield caring for their fallen comrades and defending them against there foes with great pride and resolve. It is also rumoured that the order's devotion to Shallya, the Goddess of Healing and Mercy has blessed the men of the Order with unrivalled healing abilities. The Order is mainly based in the province of Averland in it's capital Averheim and unlike other orders also has a small following from the common people and though only the nobility can become actual Knights, these others form several regiments of privately owned state troops.

The Hunters of Sigmar

A relatively new Order, The Hunters of Sigmar have dedicated themselves to hunting down and destroying pockets of Chaos resistance in the Drakwald forest region. The Order was formed by Jerik Wildorn in the aftermath of the Storm of Chaos, mainly in response to the increased presence of Beastmen and other dark and dangerous things lurking in the deep forests of the Empire's northern reaches. Jerik is an expert woodsman and tracker, and these skills are emulated, honed, and perfected by the Order's Knights each and every day. They frequently provide escort services to coaches and merchant caravans traveling through the region. In addition to such duties, the Hunters of Sigmar go out of their way to track and eradicate evil where it lives within the woods. Their strategy revolves around the idea of striking at Chaos before it has time to gather and form a raiding army. By striking in a preemptive manner, lives are saved and small settlements spared the ravages of Chaos.

The average Hunter of Sigmar often spends long periods of time living outdoors. As such, they have to provide their own sustenance and have little time to repair their equipment. They carry everything they might need into the field — you just never know how difficult a trail will be. Mud-spattered and odorous, Hunters are certainly not regarded as the most glamorous Knightly Order. In fact, when they gather together to form a skirmish group, they are often mistaken for a ragtag group of Freelance Knights. However, their relentless struggle against the forces of Chaos is more than welcome in these dark times. It is not uncommon for local people's to offer shelter and food to these brave warriors of the Empire in a gesture of appreciation.

The Hunters of Sigmar have rallied all knights in the order to fight the oncoming enemies in the war of the Nemesis Crown. Led by Jerik Wildorm, the hunters have boosted their numbers immensely in the leadup to this event.

The Templars of the Everlasting Light

The warrior code of this Order is founded squarely on the principles of justice and fairness. Naturally, as nobles, the Templars' opinion of justice contrasts markedly with that of the common folk, but it cannot be argued that the Templars often willingly fight for those who have no others to defend them. Templars of the Everlasting Light defended the plague-struck village of Hafbad when no other would, and members of their Order gave their lives to defeat the mighty Shaggoth Brakorth in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Despite such deeds, the Order has passed into history for another, less glorious reason: the Templars of the Everlasting Light are cursed.

The secret of how they became thus afflicted is locked within the Order's records, but speculation has it that they offended some deity while on crusade in Araby. Whatever the cause, they find themselves thrown from their horses at inopportune moments; swords break as a deathblow is delivered; and seemingly stable earth turns to marsh or quicksand once the hooves of their steeds touch it. Only a member of this Order (Kurt von Tzalza) could be struck in the eye by a ricochet that was fired behind him. Only a Grand Master of the Everlasting Light (Sigismund Drak) could be dumped unceremoniously into a cart-load of manure during a victory parade in Altdorf, the only such cart for many miles around. Only one Chapterhouse, in the entire history of the Empire, has vanished into a yawning chasm as the result of a freak earth tremor. There are many more varied accounts of this ill-fortune in the histories of the Empire. Nevertheless, the Templars of the Everlasting Light never want for recruits. To a certain class of nobility, it is better to belong to a famous Order, however unlucky it may be, than to one whose name is unknown beyond the walls of their Chapterhouse.

The Order of the Broken Sword

The Order of the Broken Sword formed after a band of local freelance knights led by Dott Barthos gathered together to go after a marauding band of Chaos Beastmen. In recent months, these Beastmen terrorized and pillaged several local farms. Their last raid left three entire families slaughtered, a missing farmer's daughter, and three mutilated cows. Something had to be done.

The Knights tracked the Beastmen through the twisted forest to their camp and then readied themselves for battle. During the attack, Dott Barthos squared off against the leader of the foul beasts, Sizlak Grimhoof. In the ensuing battle with the vile Beastman, Dott Barthos was grievously wounded. With the last of his remaining strength, Barthos launched a ferocious attack. His sword swung in a wide arc, smashing against the head of Sizlak Grimhoof. The blow sheared the Beastman'’s skull clean in half, though breaking Barthos' sword in the process. With the Grimhoof defeated, Dott Barthos was filled with righteous fury. Pressing the advantage, Dott and his men pursued the fleeing Beastmen through the woods, eventually dispatched them all. In the aftermath of the skirmish, with his broken sword clutched to his chest, Dott Barthos finally succumbed to his terrible wounds.

On that day, the surviving Knights formed the Order of the Broken Sword, dedicated to stomping out evil and protecting the citizens of the Empire. Dott Barthos's Broken Sword and Grimhoof's cloven skull remain in the main hall of their Chapterhouse to this very day.

The Order of the Sacred Scythe

The Order of the Sacred Scythe have made it their duty to patrol the shadowy roads and paths of Eastern Stirland. Long and mysterious is their history, with most of the Chapterhouse records kept under lock and key. Rumors abound that the Order has tainted bloodlines of ill-repute — but no one knows for sure. What is known about the Scythes is that they are well-versed hunters of the Vampire. They tirelessly root out possible Vampiric threats, cults, and any who would serve such a dark master.

As the Scythes deal mainly with creatures of the night and dark magiks, their methods are widely considered unorthodox and often downright improper. Most of the neighboring provinces openly despise the Sacred Scythes and do not welcome them in their taverns or towns. This distrust is not entirely unfounded. Such is their fervor to destroy the living dead, that more than one town has been left burnt to the ground and smoldering in the wake of a Sacred Scythe "Tribunal."

Encased in pitch-black armor and armed with a gleaming scythe, the Sacred Scythes are frightening to encounter on a lonely road after dusk. However, unbeknownst to the common people of the land, the Scythes perform a very real and useful service to the Empire. Their secret doings help keep Stirland from toppling into a land of blight and terror.

The Knights of Sigmar's Blood

The Knights of Sigmar's Blood have a long and proud history. Led by their Grand Master Hans Leitdorf, brother of the Elector Count of Averland, their ranks are filled with the men of noble houses across the Empire. Their selection process is considered extreme even among the other Orders, as each Knight in training must spend a year in study within the church where he is judged by the priests as to his worthiness.

The Black Guard

Encased within black obsidian armor and deathly silent when on the battlefield, the Black Guard are the dark guardians of the dead. When parents wish to get their children to sleep at night, they tell them that the Black Guard will come for them unless they rest.

The Black Guard are widely feared for their devotion to Morr, the god of the dead, and dark tales abound regarding their initiation rites. Even so, their martial prowess is more than welcome to those they fight alongside, for their silent efficiency is among the best in the Empire.

The Order of the Gold Lion

A secular Order, the Knights of the Gold Lion are unusual in that they were founded in Araby during the Crusades. A group of disenchanted Knights had fled to a backwater Arabian village after their army had suffered a crushing defeat. There, these Knights began to despair of ever returning home. One Knight, Erich von Strommer, took it upon himself to restore their resolve. To prove the truth of their cause, he set out into the savanna to take the head of a man-eating lion. He claimed that should he succeed in this impossible task, it would be a sure sign of Sigmar's favor. Days passed, but return he did, near delirious, bearing the head of a massive lion. The Knights were filled with courage, renamed themselves in honor of the feat, forged out into the desert, and eventually met up with allies. Since then, the Order of the Gold Lion has served the Empire as one of its most loyal Knightly Orders.

The Knights Encarmine

Founded by the rich dilettante Frederici Tolscano in 2310, the The Knights Encarmine are a flamboyant, foppish band of warriors. This may have something to do with the fact that the Order is comprised entirely of the rich and privileged. Still, wealth alone isn't a guarantee of entry, as there are very strict and rigid guidelines concerning who may actually join the knightly order. Being a collection of rich and generally powerful individuals, the Knights Encarmine hold much political clout. As such, they have the option to choose which campaigns they will take part in — often the ones which require little actual dirty work to attain the most glory.

Each member of the order maintains a brilliant suit of red armor topped by tricolor plumage of green, white, and red. As the paint coating the armor chips away easily, the suit must be constantly repainted in order to maintain appearances. Members of the Knights Encarmine eschew the lowly shield as it is a "commoners defense" to hide behind a metallic barrier in battle. Instead, the Knights Encarmine practice a secretive two sword combat technique. One sword acts as a deflection tool, while the other strikes the deathblow.

Despite their often intolerable nature, the Knights Encarmine are very welcome when battle is finally joined. As the members of the Order incessantly hone their two-sword technique, they are masters of the blade. Foes fall in droves as the red-armored Knights plow through ranks of foot troops and mounted warriors alike. As long as a general can stomach the tales of highly exaggerated bravery afterward, the Knights Encarmine are a valuable asset to any army of the Empire.

The Order of the Hammers of Sigmar

The Order of the Hammer of Sigmar was founded in Altdorf shortly after the news of the destruction of Mordheim reached the city. Zealous Lectors of Sigmar encouraged the devout sons of local nobles to join the fledgling Order. Once assembled, the Lectors sent the Order into the ruins of Mordheim to restore order and keep the faith (and the faithful) alive throughout the turmoil.

The Templars of this Order can often be found bringing faith to the wavering masses and crushing the skulls of vile heretics. They ride into battle wielding great warhammers of all description, another sign of their devotion to Sigmar.

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