FREDDIE was the name for a 40-pin LSI found in Atari 8-bit computers. It is a RAM address multiplexer, used for DRAM access. Atari created this chip to replace several other chips to cut costs and to enhance CPU and ANTIC memory access.

FREDDIE, combined with a C061618 MMU (XL/XE) and C025953 EMMU (130XE) allowed the CPU and ANTIC to access memory independently of each other.

Originally designed for the 1400XL and 1450XLD, it was eventually used in the XE series of Atari computers.

Found in the following machines:
*800XLF (labeled '800XL', refers to European version)

ee also

* Atari MMU

External links

* [] Freddie MCU Engineering Data (PDF file)
* [ jindroush site(archived)] Freddie info and diagram

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