XENON Dark Matter Search Experiment

XENON Dark Matter Search Experiment

The XENON Dark Matter Search Experiment aims to construct a next-generation dark matter detector, which will use liquid xenon as the target material for finding Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The collaboration is led by Elena Aprile, an astrophysics professor at Columbia University.

A 15 kg liquid xenon detector had been installed at Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy during March 2006, and has been searching for WIMP interactions until October 2007. No WIMP signatures have been found, the limits on WIMP-nucleon cross sections extend down to below 10-43cm2 for a 30 GeV/c2 WIMP mass. The next phase, XENON100, for a total of 150 kg of liquid Xenon, is currently under commissioning at Gran Sasso.

Participating universities in XENON100 included Columbia (US), Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), Rice (US), Coimbra (Portugal), University of Zurich (Switzerland), and UCLA (US).

Participating universities in XENON10 included Brown (US), Case Western Reserve (US), Columbia (US), Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (US), Rice (US), Coimbra (Portugal), University of Zurich (Switzerland), and Yale (US).


*cite journal
title=First Results from the XENON10 Dark Matter Experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory
coauthors=et al.
journal=Physical Review Letters

External links

* [http://xenon.astro.columbia.edu/ XENON home page at Columbia University]
* [http://www.physik.uzh.ch/groups/groupbaudis/xenon/ XENON home page at the University of Zurich]
* [http://xenon.physics.rice.edu/ XENON home page at Rice University]
* [http://xenon.brown.edu XENON home page at Brown University]
* [http://dmtools.berkeley.edu/limitplots/ Dark matter limit plotter] with the latest results from XENON and other experiments

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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