- Gauge covariant derivative
The gauge covariant derivative (pronEng|ˌgeɪdʒ koʊˌvɛəriənt dɪˈrɪvətɪv) is like a generalization of the
covariant derivative used ingeneral relativity . If a theory hasgauge transformation s, it means that some physical properties of certain equations are preserved under those transformations. Likewise, the gauge covariant derivative is the ordinary derivative modified in such a way as to make it behave like a true vector operator, so that equations written using the covariant derivative preserve their physical properties under gauge transformations.Fluid dynamics
fluid dynamics , the gauge covariant derivative of a fluid may be defined as:where is a velocityvector field of a fluid.Gauge theory
gauge theory , which studies a particular class of fields which are of importance inquantum field theory , the gauge covariant derivative is defined as:where is the electromagneticvector potential .What happens to the covariant derivative under a gauge transformation
If a gauge transformation is given by:and for the gauge potential :then transforms as:,and transforms as:and transforms as:so that:and in the QED
Lagrangian is therefore gauge invariant, and the gauge covariant derivative is thus named aptly.On the other hand, the non-covariant derivative would not preserve the Lagrangian's gauge symmetry, since:.
Quantum chromodynamics
quantum chromodynamics , the gauge covariant derivative is [http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~dobaczew/maub-42w/node9.html] :where is thecoupling constant , is the gluongauge field , for eight different gluons , is a four-componentDirac spinor , and where is one of the eightGell-Mann matrices , .General relativity
general relativity , the gauge covariant derivative is defined as:where is theChristoffel symbol .ee also
Kinetic momentum References
*Tsutomu Kambe, " [http://fluid.ippt.gov.pl/ictam04/text/sessions/docs/FM23/11166/FM23_11166.pdf Gauge Principle For Ideal Fluids And Variational Principle] ". (PDF file.)
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