precordium — noun The region of the body over the heart and thorax … Wiktionary
precordium — Singular of precordia. * * * pre·cor·di·um kȯr dē əm n, pl dia dē ə the part of the ventral surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach and comprising the epigastrium and the lower median part of the thorax * * * n. the region of the… … Medical dictionary
precordium — n. sac that encloses the heart … English contemporary dictionary
precordium — [pri: kɔ:dɪəm] noun Anatomy the region of the thorax immediately in front of or over the heart. Derivatives precordial adjective Origin C19: singular of L. praecordia diaphragm, entrails … English new terms dictionary
precordium — pre·cor·di·um … English syllables
precordium — n. the region of the thorax immediately over the heart. Derivatives: precordial adj … The new mediacal dictionary
precordium — noun the external surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach • Derivationally related forms: ↑precordial • Hypernyms: ↑external organ … Useful english dictionary
Hyperdynamic precordium — is a condition where the precordium (the area of the chest over the heart) moves too much (is hyper dynamic ) due to some pathology of the heart. This problem can be hyperplasia of the ventricles, tachycardia, or some other heart… … Wikipedia
Commotio cordis — Classification and external resources Human adult thorax, showing the outline of the heart (in red). The sensitive zone for mechanical induction of heart rhythm disturbances lies between the 2nd and the 4th ribs, to the left of the sternum … Wikipedia
Precordial thump — A precordial thump is a medical procedure used in the initial response to a witnessed cardiac arrest when no defibrillator is immediately available. It can be used as a small part of the provision of advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). About… … Wikipedia